Which Pet Would Your Main Character Love, Fear, Hate, Abuse, or Kill?
What would your main character do if he found one of the following in his bedroom at night? What would your main character do if he found himself in a forest with an animal he’d never seen before? What would your main character do if he was at the beach and found a dolphin on the sand? What would your main character do if he found evidence that someone was setting up dog fights for money?
Would it be a lazy, playful cat?

Would he be so afraid of dogs that he would hide from any dog he encountered?

Would he study, love, and protect a dolphin?

Would he kill a hamster?

Would he abuse horses by having too many, not caring for them, or worse?

Would he be so afraid of a mouse that he’d climb on the couch to get away from him? Would he chase it all over the house? Would he set a trap for it? Would the trap work or will the mouse keep pestering him?

Would he raise parakeets to sell for pets? Would he have a detective to check to make sure the new owners will care for them? Would he offer classes in how to care for a parakeet?

Would your main character find a lost sheep near the highway and load it into his truck and care for it until he could find the owner? Or would he kill it for food for his family who is starving?

Would your main character have a pet snake that gets out and creates a hilarious situation? Or would it lead to death of a person or the snake?

Thanks for reading my blog. Please leave a comment and let me know what your favorite pet is and which animal scares you the most.