Writer Essentials for Submitting: 4 Steps
I am not an editor, publisher, or agent. I am an author and illustrator who wants to encourage you to submit your work so it can be published.
Below I have outlined steps to follow to submit a great article, poem, puzzle, devotion, illustration, short story, chapter book, middle grade novel, young adult novel, adult novel, song, stage play or screenplay.
You’ve got a great story. Follow these 4 steps and you’ll have the Essentials for Submitting: Go for it.
Writer Essentials for Submitting
Step 1 Get your work critiqued, edited, and proofed.
Step 2 Choose the publisher, editor, agent, or contest for this writing project.
Step 3 Write the pitch, query letter, cover letter, resume, bio, and/or proposal as required by the guidelines of the editor, agent, or contest you chose for submission this time.
Step 4 Time to Submit to publisher, agent, editor, or contest.
Resources to help you improve your writing and/or to inspire you to write more!
A. Learn from reading the works of other authors:
Best-Selling Authors for Children
- James Patterson http://www.jamespatterson.com/
- Rick Riordan http://www.rickriordan.com/
- Jeff Kinney http://www.wimpykid.com/
- Victoria Kann http://www.ilikeart.com/
- Jane O’Connor http://www.fancynancyworld.com/
- Suzanne Collins http://www.suzannecollinsbooks.com/
- K. Rowling http://www.jkrowling.com/
2. Best-Selling Authors for Adults
- John Grisham http://www.jgrisham.com/
- George R. R. Martin http://georgerrmartin.com/
- Catherine Coulter http://www.catherinecoulter.com/
- Janet Evanovich http://www.evanovich.com/
3. Books on the craft of writing.
- Donald Maass: The Fire in Fiction
- Donald Maass: Writing the Breakout Novel
- Donald Maass: Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook
- James N. Frey How to Write a Damn Good Novel
- James N. Frey How to Write a Damn Good Novel, II
- James N. Frey How to Write a Damn Good Mystery
- James N. Frey The Key: How to Write Damn Good Fiction Using the Power of Myth
- Karl Iglesias: Writing for Emotional Impact
- Margaret Lucke: Schaum’s Quick Guide to Writing Great Short Stories
- Noah Lukeman: The First Five Pages
- Darcy Pattison: Novel Metamorphosis
- Jordan E. Rosenfeld: Make a Scene
- Remni Browne and Dave King: Self-Editing for Fiction Writers
Please leave a comment with your questions or email me at joanyedwards1@gmail.com/
Keep writing. Keep submitting.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Copyright © Joan Y. Edwards 2010-2022
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Hi Joan,
I’m only now starting on my first children’s book. How do I go about joining up for Pub Sub 3rd Friday?
Dear Joy,
Good luck with your first children’s book. Send me an email and let me know you want to join Pub Subbers. Do something to celebrate you today.
Mary W. Jensen wrote me this note in an email today:
Congratulations, Mary. I am very proud of you. I’ll add your name to the Pub Subbers 2011 list.
Today, Oct 21, I submitted three poems–“Fly With Me,” “The Sun Sets,” and “Window”–to Bull Spec Magazine.
Mary (Feywriter)
This will be good for me. I am the type who loves to write and who hates to sub. But I’m gonna go for it.
Deep breath.
Dear Joy, I am very proud of you. Deep Breath. Breathe in. Exhale. Breathe in. Exhale. Go, Joy, Go.
Add Color to Your Life
Play. Laugh. Smile. Joan Y. Edwards
I did it a day early.
PB entitled: A Secret
Sterling Publishing Company
Yeah! Fist pump, woo, woo, woo!
A MG novel. THE WAY BACK HOME Chapters 14 & 15.
To my critique group.
Thank you for giving me the motivation to do this.
Dear Joy, I am very proud of you! Step by step you’ll get your work out there and published! Believe it.
PubSubbers – Believe – Submit your manuscript today! Joan Y. Edwards
Hi Joan, Please do add my name to PubSubbers because of submitting TERROR’S IDENTITY yesterday. I also have JAKE, THE SUPERCOWBOY ready to mail tomorrow. It’s going to Melissa Manlove at Chronicle because her passion is picture books and her house has published tall tales in the past. I’m also going submit my middle grade novel, EMILY’S RIDE TO COURAGE to Mallory Kass at Scholastic tomorrow and Amy Lennex of Sleeping Bear Press is getting picture book CAT CATCHING ZOË. I did submit JAKE to Marietta Zacker last Wednesday and she rejected it last Wednesday. So I’m busy putting my chin out for stroking or bruising. Good luck to all of us taking the plunge. Sarah
Look at you. Go, Sarah. Go. I got a rejection from Marietta Zacker, too. So did a friend of mine. It’s sad, but it is what it is. We have to accept it. Reassess our situation and our writing, Search for a better place and submit again. I added your name to the Pub Subber page. I am excited that you have submitted many works! May you be successful in all your goals.
Never Give Up
Pub Sub Often
Joan Y. Edwards
No longer MG. I’ve been told over and over it’s YA. So I finally got the message.
The Way Back Home
Chapter two to my critique group.
Dear Joy,
I am very glad that you’ve sent off the second chapter of your manuscript to your critique group. Hurray for you!
Thanks for writing.
Joan Y. Edwards
A Secret
Picture book manuscript
Bright sky Press
I’m a little late but thank you for keeping me at it.
Joy Moore
All right, Joy. This is exciting news. I am happy and proud of you.
Joan Dream! Love! Laugh! Never Give Up. Joan Y. Edwards
Dear Joan,
This blog was very timely. I’m now writing in 2 genres romance and childrens books. I have not had anything critqued in very long time. Thank you again for this blog
Dear June,
Thank you for writing. I am glad this blog post helped you.
Go, June, Go.
Never Give Up
Please answer both questions completely:. . What’s the easiest way to make sure that if I copyright something, that it’s mine without have to copyright each article or blog individually?. . ALSO: . . I’m a poet and I want to copyright my work without have to pay “per poem” – how can I do that, but also be able to get things copyrighted regularly?.
Dear Kon,
Thanks for writing.
As soon as you put something down on paper or type it into a computer, it is copyrighted. You have to print out a copy or save a copy on your computer. Make sure you put your name on it and date it.
To get a blanket copyright for works, see the US Copyright office http://www.copyright.gov/, it will help you.
Hey Joan, my name is Richie and I am in a literary critic workshop which is held at upper class bistros, coffee houses,etc.Problem is I often times feel that I do not fit as I am a recovering opioid abuser.I have pondered and asked the universe to open doors all around me, and things are starting to manifest in my life that come in all shapes and sizes. I have a sobriety date of 4/20/17 and am currently under the care of AA,NA,and IOP……however I have ALOT of stories to tell. At the first literary workshop, I was 30 minutes late, and I did not get to share my work because it is raw, hand written, and I can only afford so many copies….that being said I did get to share my work with one girl named Lisa. My point is this….she and I went back and forth between whether or not she should read it aloud or moi.Long story short, we decide to let me read it…and her response to the “stream of consciousness” writing that is my strong point, well, let’s just say that I was blown away and almost cried in my bathtub later that evening. I dunno, I am looking for an agent, publisher, I am going to see my dream manifest.IT’S GONNA HAPPEN. Thank you sooooooo much for giving me the opportunity to email you. Sincerely, Richard aka..obi wan, TaoteRich, richie rich, and ghost 👻 rider. No I didn’t give those names to myself, it’s my Facebook friends and they are absolute beauties, men included. Till next time, STAY TUNED.
Dear Richie,
You fit in. No one is perfect. If God is happy with you, don’t worry about others. Do your writing. Read it aloud to yourself first. Revise. Then read it aloud again. Revise. Then share it with others. Here’s the thing. When you share with others you have to be able to handle a “Yes” or “No.” It is difficult at times. Sometimes it has stopped me in my tracks for a long time. Know that it’s important for you to get your writing out there. The world needs to hear what you have to say even if some people don’t like it. It’s okay. Ask the people who listen or read it to tell you what they like. I’m sort of rambling on. My point is to believe in you and your writing. Good luck. Never Give Up! I am very very proud of you!
Joan Y. Edwards