Hello, God. I Called Tonight to Talk a Little While.

I called tonight to talk a little while. I need a friend who will listen to my anxiety and trial.

You see, I can’t quite make it, through a day just on my own – I need your love to guide me, so I will never feel alone.

I want to ask you please to keep my family safe and sound. Come and fill their lives with confidence for whatever fate they are bound.

Give me faith, dear God, to face each hour throughout the day, and not to worry over things I can’t change in any way.

I thank you God for being home and listening to my call, for giving me such good advice when I stumble and fall.

Your number, God is the only one that answers every time. I never get a busy signal, never had to pay a dime.

So, thank you, God, for listening to my troubles and my sorrow – good night, God, I love you too, and I will call again tomorrow.  Author Unknown

Please leave a comment. That will make my day!

Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards, Author
Copyright © 2009-2024 Joan Y. Edwards

Songs to cheer you:

“Don’t Worry; Be happy!” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68vZX2uUKKA
“Ten Thousand Reasons:” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXDGE_lRI0E

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10 thoughts on “Hello, God. I Called Tonight to Talk a Little While.”

  1. Just what I needed to read this morning. Have a broken ankle and sinus thing. Feeling low.
    Your posts are always encouraging.

    1. Dear Joan Reid,
      Thank you for writing me this morning. I am sorry to hear that you broke your ankle. Oh dear! How painful that must be.. I am praying that it heals quicker than anyone believes. You do so many things for others that I know God is going to bless you. Do something fun!

      Never give up.

    1. Dear Melanie,

      Good morning! Thank you for writing me. That makes me smile. It was my pleasure to share this. Talk with God. I don’t know who wrote it but I liked it. Do something fun for you.

      Never give up

  2. I love that the author plans to call again tomorrow. God will be there–you can count on it.

    1. Dear Linda,
      Thank you for writing. It is indeed wonderful that the author of the poem was going to call God again the next night. It’s good when we talk to God at night and in the morning and all through the day, too. God loves to hear from us all day long isn’t that cool?

      Never give up

  3. Thank you for keeping us on your distribution list. Laury and I miss seeing you at church. God Bless You

    1. Dear Tom,
      It is so good to hear from you. I miss seeing you at church, too. I have been to 4:30 pm Mass on Saturdaya a few times, but didn’t see uou. Maybe we can plan a date to go to the same Mass. That woukd be so awesome. Thank you for readng my articles. I hope they let you know how much God loves you!!!

      Never Give Up

    1. Dear Carol,
      Thank you for writing. It was my pleasure to share this poem. I found it while surfing online for some thing to cheer me up. It worked great do something fun for you.

      Never give up.

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