Expect an Abundance of Everything You Need

hundred dollar bills
“Currency” Thank you Pixabay , Paweł Szymczuka.

“Expect an Abundance of Everything You Need” by Joan Y. Edwards

Many times in life it doesn’t seem like you have enough of things you believe you need to survive. Sometimes it’s knowledge. Sometimes it’s money. Sometimes it’s things. Other times, it’s courage. All the time love and wisdom.

“Ask and you shall receive.” (John  16:24)

Kendra Cherry shares that psychologist, Carl Rogers, says to look at the stories of people who do amazing things. “When I look at the world I’m pessimistic, but when I look at people I am optimistic.”

Regardless of the facts that you face, it is very important that you expect that you will receive an abundance of what you need.

Your brain wants you to be right. If you say, “Things never work out for me,” guess what! Things will not work out for you many times.

If you say things work out great for me, then things have a better chance of working out than if you say things never work out for you.

There is power in your words, your thoughts, and your actions.

Put it in your plans to receive a good whole car. Why would you ask for a half of a car? So if you need a car, expect a good car to show up. Take action to help that belief materialize.

Save the money and put it in a special money market account so it gets more interest than a regular savings account for a car.

Keep your eyes and ears open for a good bargain when you have enough money to purchase one.

If you have trouble believing good things will happen to you, start by making a list of all the things and people you are thankful for in your life. A spirit of thankfulness brings you more of what you are thankful for.

In her article on the Writers on the Move blog post entitled, “Trick to Help You Start Writing or Finish Writing,Suzanne Lieurance gives many ideas for lists that I believe will help you be more optimistic. Two of them I think will help change your focus: Make a list of things you enjoy doing. Another is make a list of things you want to learn how to do.

What you focus on is what you are going to get. If something bad or sad happened to you, acknowledge it, but revamp your thinking so you don’t spend days and days worrying about it or trying to change something that cannot be changed. Reset your goals. Reset your thoughts to as positive as you can get at that particular time.

Ways to Change Your Mood and Your Mind’s Focus:

1. Pray. Thank you, God. I have an abundance of everything I need today. What I need comes to me from sources known and sources unknown.
2. Watch funny movies or movies with happy endings.
3. Listen to your favorite music.
4. Take a nap.
5. Take a walk.
6. Be thankful and name the different times you have been blessed with what you needed.
7. Make a list of the things you want and need in your life right now.

Don’t worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself *Matthew 6:34


1. Joan Y. Edwards. “7 Ways to Move Toward Your Goals:” https://joanyedwards.com/7-ways-to-move-toward-your-goals/ 

2. Suzanne Lieurance. “Trick to Help You Start Writing or Finish Writing.” https://www.writersonthemove.com/2022/04/a

3. Kendra Cherry. “6 Great Psychology Quotes:”

Please leave a comment. Tell us what helps you get out of a slumpy, dumpy feeling.

Never Give Up

Joan Y. Edwards, Author
Copyright © 2009-2022 Joan Y. Edwards

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12 thoughts on “Expect an Abundance of Everything You Need”

  1. The power of positive thinking is well documented.
    The person who say’s he can’t, won’t.
    The athletes who stand in the arena with the daunting race ahead, if they said I can’t win this, they probably won’t.

    The mountain climber looking at the peak thousands of feet up, who say’s to himself, no way can I climb this, will fail.

    Obviously we can’t get everything we want, as there will always be obstacles in the way. But looking at the tasks with a positive attitude will make the journey feel more achievable.

    As a Chinese philosopher once said ‘even the longest journey starts with a single step.’

    Thanks Joan

  2. Thanks, Joan. It was good to read this before starting the work ahead of me today. I hope your day is delightful in every way!

    1. Dear Carol,
      Thank you for writing. Oh my goodness! What a sweet thing for you to say! I love giving virtual hugs and sharing love with you and other subscribers.
      Do something fun before the sun goes down!
      Never give up


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