“I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in incredible quantities from multiple sources on a continuing basis…Bob Proctor” by Joan Y. Edwards
My late husband, Carl Lansdale Edwards, was poor as a child. He was always worried about money until…
When he saw the movie, The Secret and read “You Were Born Rich” by Bob Proctor. Bob Proctor told the story about how he was poor and then a man shared with him that he should put these words on a sheet of paper and carry it around with him and read it over and over out loud every day. Then he became the owner of a world wide business. He tried to figure out what had happened to change his life from being penniless to having loads of money. The only difference between his poor times and his rich times was his belief in these words. His friends made fun of him saying this out loud. So he hid in a closet to say them.
Carl wrote these words on a slip of paper and put it in his wallet. I discovered this when I went through his wallet after he died. He also wrote it in a little notebook he carried with him.
“I am so happy and grateful (now) that money comes to me in incredible quantities from multiple sources on a continuing basis.” (Carl didn’t use the word now, but Bob Proctor did.)
Carl may have said these words out loud more than a few times. I heard him reading his notes out loud about different things. But I do know that the watched the movie, The Secret and read Bob Proctor’s books and believed God’s words: Ask and you shall receive. Believe and it will be granted to you.
My point is that it made a difference for him. He no longer worried about his money. We met a financial man who helped him find safe places to invest his money at retirement. He had money coming to him each month for living expenses.
Try it. It may take more than a few months to see a difference, but it will make a difference if you believe it.
Bob Proctor said the first few times he repeated the words, he didn’t believe it. Then the more he said it out loud, the more he began to believe it.
I didn’t use those same words, but I put positive affirmation statements about money on my file cabinet. They worked, too.
Don’t focus on what you don’t have. Don’t focus on what you don’t want.
Focus on what feels good. Focus on things for which you are thankful and for which you want more. Focus on words that stand for what you want.
Focus and keep your mind on what you want. Your focus and your attention is the key. Believe you are going to get it. What you focus on is what you are going to get. I realize that is easier said than done. You and I are human. We are not perfect.
The more you say something, the more you believe it. The mind is a powerful instrument. God, our creator, is gracious and kind.
So here is something to try.
“I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in incredible quantities from multiple sources on a continuing basis.”
Write these words on a sheet of paper, cut it out and put it in your wallet. Post another copy on your mirror in the bathroom. Post one on the sun visor in your car. Post one where you’ll see it every day. Read these words aloud or read them to yourself. Sound excited and like you believe it.
Below is a link to a pdf file with these words on it so you can sign your name, snip and put in your wallet, and put in places where you can see it and say it out loud often. Your belief is the key.
I am so happy and grateful now affirmations to believe, print, sign, clip, and save.
I can’t promise you loads of money. I do believe it will make a difference in your thinking. Your beliefs make paths for you in life. Anything that helps you and me look on the bright side of life is a good thing. It radiates good feelings through your whole body and your whole mind and creates a more healthy you. It opens your mind to new opportunities.
You can also try it with different words than money. Please let me know what you think and if you plan to try it now.
Positive Thinking Resources that help you think in abundance.
- Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do by Robert H. Schuler
- The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Joseph Murphy and Ian McMahon
- Awaken the Giant Within Anthony Robbins:
- New Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, MD, edited and updated by Dan S. Kennedy and the Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation, Inc.
- The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
- Quantum Success by Sandra Anne Taylor
- Sedona Method by Hale Dwoskin using ideas of Lester Levinson
- “Strangest Secret,” Text from Earl Nightingale’s Million Seller Recording
- You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor
- Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill
- The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles (This is the book the movie The Secret talks about that contains the secret to getting what you want – excitement, vision of completion, focus equals attraction)
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards, Author
Copyright © 2009-2020 Joan Y. Edwards

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Thank you for sharing this Joan. I’ve been a believer in positive affirmations my entire life, thanks to my dad. I have notes everywhere. We do have a choice when it comes to how we choose to think and how we choose to perceive. Why not choose positive? Thank you for the smart reminder. LOVE YOU!
Dear Pat,
Thank you for writing. That is so neat that you haver notes everywhere to remind you that when you truly believe incredible things can happen. My dear Mother and those who lived through the depression of the 1929’s had a feeling of not enough. It is a powerful belief that is difficult to overcome unless you change your words and believe what you hope is truly possible. I am very glad God brought the two of us together. I love you and am grateful you are my friend.
Never Give Up
So thankful that you found this slip of paper in Carl’s wallet. What a wonderful discovery!
Much love,
Dear Linda,
Thank you for writing. Thanks for being thankful that I found this slip of paper in Carl’s wallet. You are right. It was truly a wonderful discovery!
Thanks for introducing me to The Secret. Without it, Carl may have been way too stressed out. Thanks for being my friend. Love you.
Never Give Up
Joan-y!! (-: I have “Secrets” in a CD. I have used it so much it has started to sound like an old, scratched record. I try to listen to it at least once a year and I truly use some of the manifestation secrets they share. If they don’t work…well, you couldn’t prove that negatively by my own results. (-:
Have a wonderful holiday and 2021.
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
A Christmas Chapbook in the Celebration Series
A chapbook in our multi award-winning Celebration Series
Signature art from Carolyn Wilhelm, wiseowlfactory.com
Cover art by Vicki Thomas
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Dear Carolyn,
Thank you for writing. It is so good to hear from you. I’m glad you have used The Secret CD so much it’s about worn out. I am even happier that you’ve benefited from the manifestation secrets contained in it. It is truly amazing how one’s attitudes and beliefs influence one’s life. I’m so glad you are in my life. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Never Give Up
reminds me of the movie
Extremely Loud & Incredibly close
love you Joan
Dear Billy,
Thank you for writing. I am glad my post reminded you of the movie Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close. You got my curiosity up, so I rented the movie and watched it. So how did my blog post remind you of this movie? I love you and appreciate you.
Never Give Up
I love this optimistic post, Joan. An affirmation I learned is “Where attention goes, energy flows.” I believe that one came from The Secret as well, but I’m not positive. I just the love the idea of it ~ you are manifesting where you put your attention. So, why not put your attention towards something positive, something uplifting? It just makes logical sense to me. 🙂 But much like Pat said, I was raised to think in a “glass is half full kind of way.” My mom’s mantra was “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” I think I was destined to be an optimistic. Lol
Dear Shawn,
Thanks for writing. Thanks for sharing your ideas about if you have a choice, why not be optimistic. Exactly wherever you put your attention is what you’re going to get. Good luck with achieving all things you hope for! You are a blessing to me and all those who know you.
Never Give Up
Thank you, for sharing Carl’s note. I told my daughter Sula that if Joany says to try this then I am going to do just that and not question as you should, as well. I will keep you informed regarding my progress.
Dear Violette,
Thank you for writing. I’m glad you are going to try using this statement to help you receive more money. A long time ago, I was very depressed and thought I didn’t have enough and so I didn’t have enough. I knew I was in trouble because I had not always been like that. So I studied positive ways of thinking. They said to think you are going to have an abundance of all you need so that you have enough to share with others. I can tell you that your beliefs deep down are very important. I look forward to hearing the results of your new belief and your posting these words where you can see them and repeat them aloud every day. I put one on the mirror in my bathroom, one on the sunvisor of my car, and one in my wallet. Once you’ve read it about ten times, you almost have it memorized. Whenever you think of money, say these words out loud, “I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in incredible quantities from multiple sources on a continuing basis.” May God bless you with an abundance of all you need. LOVE YOU.
Never Give Up