“Does the Weather Determine Your Feelings?” by Joan Y. Edwards
When you look out the window in the morning, does the weather determine your feelings?
Do you need an umbrella to keep you protected from the things you fear in life?
Do you need rubber boots to help you slosh through your day even when it’s not raining?
Are you sad and need an excuse for feeling that way? Has the weather stopped an event from occurring? An event you’ve been looking forward to ? Are the clouds with the rain blocking the sun’s rays that keep you perky in usual circumstances?
At first I was thinking about emotional feelings. Then, I remembered how when I was teaching school, everyone got restless before a storm. Even as much as a day ahead of a big storm. People were irritable for no known reason.
Does that happen because the cells in your body are unbalanced? Do they get positively or negatively charged? If so, during the storm, the electrons must change places and balance everything out because you calm down after the storm.
You know how you get shocked in the winter when static electricity makes the electrons pop off to a different atom. Sometimes you can see little sparks when you move a blanket during the winter. That’s the electrons moving from one atom to another.

Maybe this will explain it better.
In the middle of an atom are both protons and neutrons. They fit tight. Normally this center nucleus stays the same. Usually they have the same number of protons and electrons. However, some of the electrons in the outer ring are loose and move from one atom to another. When an atom loses an electron, it has more protons than electrons and becomes positively charged. As best I understand it, positive ions are missing electrons from their outer ring.
An atom that has more electrons than protons is negatively charged. Negative ions have an extra electron in their outer ring. To me this means, negative charged ions have an electron to share. I think we all feel better when we think we have something to share, something extra. We feel better when we have an abundance of all we need.
Negative ions generate positive feelings for human beings and animals. Where can you find these ions that give you positive energy? Waterfalls, forests, parks, grassy areas, and the ocean.
Help designate a public place for people to rekindle their spirits with these negative ions. Set up a place in your home to help you keep balanced, healthy, and calm. Take off for the beach, Niagara Falls, a forest, a park near you, or a garden in your back yard. Battery powered water fountains give off wonderful negative ions to give you energy. Gardens give off good energy, too. Many people use negative ion generators. If you use a negative ion generator, make sure it does not create ozone gas. Some people use negative ion bracelets. I do not know if they work. I have never used one. It may depend upon your belief.
You can also stimulate calm and inner peace by praying to God. When you ask, he will give you the positive energy you need to bolster your health and to look at life in a healthy manner when it’s raining and when the sun is shining. God loves you very much.
Thank you to Dolores Gutierrez, Shawn Crane Simon, and Bob Rich for leaving a comment on this post before midnight, Sunday, June 9. I put three pieces of paper, each one with one of their names on it. My husband, Carl, chose Bob Rich’s name out of his hat. Congratulations, Bob. It’s your lucky day! I will send you a free copy of one of my books. Please let me know which one you’d like and your snail mail address.
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Never Give Up
Please check out my books:
Flip Flap Floodle, Will this little duck’s song save him from Mr. Fox?
Joan’s Elder Care Guide Practical help for caregivers and elders
80 Gospel-Based Crossword Puzzles for Year B Fun puzzles for all
Joan Y. Edwards
Copyright © 2019 Joan Y. Edwards
- Brianna Collins. “The Health Risks of Negative Ions:” https://www.leaf.tv/articles/the-health-risks-of-negative-ions/
- Happy Holistic Health. “Bring the Positive into Your Life with Negative Ions:” https://happyholistichealth.com/2012/09/12/bring-the-positive-into-your-life-with-negative-ions/
- “How An Ionizer Works:” https://www.djclarke.co.uk/file08.html
- Mark Sisson. “What Are the Health Benefits of Negative Ions?” https://www.marksdailyapple.com/negative-ions-health/
- Purlife. “Easily Creative Negative Ions:” https://www.purlifeus.com/easily-create-negative-ions
- “Scientific Studies Involving Positive and Negative Ions:” https://www.djclarke.co.uk/file06.html
- “Static Electricity – Electrons move between objects.” https://byjus.com/physics/static-electricity/
- “What Is Static Electricity?” https://www.sciencemadesimple.com/static.htm
- “What Beach Does to Your Brain:” https://www.nbcnews.com/better/health/what-beach-does-your-brain-ncna787231
Very cool lesson! Thank you for sharing. 🙂 I am affected by the weather. I’ve only recently noticed that because we have this beautiful view from our new house. On gloomy days, I look out and feel blah. 🙁 On sunny days, I feel much more motivated. Luckily, today is sunny, so I’m planning on getting some writing done on my newest book. 🙂
Dear Shawn,
Thanks for writing. I’m glad you liked the lesson. I hope that some of the things in my article will help your mood on gloomy days! Any day I hear from you is always sunny on the inside for me. Good luck with your new book.
Never Give Up
I read with much interest your post, Joan. I must admit, I checked your sources to see whether there was scientific research done on on the premise of positive vs. negative ions.
I also am of the belief that weather affects one’s mood and I know there has been quite a lot of research done on what what physicians call SAD ( seasonal affective disorder). In addition, I know of a the physical benefits of vitamin D from the sun. From personal experience, I can attest to the relationship between my aching knees and the weather although an old physician friend of mine used to say it “has nothing to do with it”. Thanks for the interesting read. If I am a winner of your generous offer, I would prefer the children’s book for my grandchildren.
Dear Dolores,
Thank you for writing. I am honored to see you here. Glad you checked my sources to see if there were any to clarify your ideas and improve your health. I’m glad you’d like Flip Flap Floodle to share with your grandchildren if your name is picked from the hat by Carl.
Have a fun day. Celebrate you.
Never Give Up
Another well-researched post, Joan. Well done.
Whether the weather affects you or not depends on who you are. It hasn’t ever done so to me, but I know many people who are easily weatherized.
One of the peak days of my life was when I coordinated a festival. It POURED all day. My boots were full of water, my clothes were drenched under my rain gear, and objectively, it was a disaster. Only about 50 people turned up, instead of the expected 1000.
My joy came from those 50 people. They were wonderful. Despite the weather, they got a lot out of the day, so gave me a lot. And although we didn’t make a profit, we’d covered the costs.
Dear Bob,
Thanks for writing. It’s so good to see you here. I’m not much affected by the rainy weather, but I guess that’s the duck in me. I understand your attitude in enjoying those who come to events. Helping them have a good time helps them have great memories and want to come the next time. Right?
Do something fun today! Celebrate you.
Never Give Up
Thank you to Dolores Gutierrez, Shawn Crane Simon, and Bob Rich for leaving a comment on this post before midnight, Sunday, June 9. I put three pieces of paper, each one with one of their names on it. My husband, Carl, chose Bob Rich’s name out of his hat. Congratulations, Bob. It’s your lucky day! I will send you a free copy of one of my books. Please let me know which one you’d like and your snail mail address.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards