Copyright 2016-2019 Joan Y. Edwards
“You Are a Great Illustrator” by Joan Y. Edwards
Are you a great illustrator? My answer for you follows:
You are a great illustrator. You are a good artist. You draw anything you see in person, in a picture, or imagine in your mind. You create intriguing characters, cartoons, props, scenery, backgrounds, and special effects that are effective in increasing the depth of meaning of the book or magazine and entice thousands of people to read and buy it.
Repeat these statements with “I” rather than “You” to make them true affirmations for you.
I am a great illustrator. I am a great artist. I draw anything I see in person, in a picture, or imagine in your mind. I create intriguing characters, cartoons, props, scenery, backgrounds, and special effects that are effective in increasing the depth of meaning of the book or magazine and entice thousands of people to read and buy it.
I discovered after I kept saying these things over and over again for days, weeks, months, and years, they became true because of actions I took.
Your subconscious mind will lead you to make it true. You have to believe it’s possible. You have to believe it’s true. Believe in you. Love yourself. Love your illustrating skills.
An illustrator is an artist with a mission to help show the meaning of an author’s story. To illustrate means to furnish (a book, magazine, etc.) with drawings, pictures, or other artwork intended for explanation, elucidation, or adornment.
What is an artist? An artist is a person who draws, paints, or sculpts as a profession or a hobby. Synonyms are: designer, creator, originator, and old master.
What’s the difference between an artist and an illustrator?
Education and experience are important parts of skill-building and improvement in your illustration skills.
I have found that the books I find captivating do the illustrations from a different point of view than the usual ones. Find your style as an artist/illustrator.
If you’re both a writer and illustrator, you’re in luck because many publishers like this combination of talents.
Take a chance on you. Draw every day to build your skills. I’ve got to set my mind to doing that. I’ve been focusing on my writing while the editor from 4RV Publishing and I were revising Joan’s Elder Care Guide. Now I’m working on the illustrations for Larry, the Terrifying Turkey, a chapter book slightly based on a true experience.
Check out the books with prize-winning illustrations, such as the Caldecott/Honors Books.
If you are illustrating picture books or chapter books, you might want to join Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI). They have oodles of resources for illustrators and give workshops to help them, too.
Thanks for reading my blog. I hope you’ll share this post with others. Feel free to ask questions and tell me your ideas in the comment area. I’d love to hear from you!
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Copyright © 2016-2019 Joan Y. Edwards
Yes, you are a great artist, encourager and writer. Good post.
Dear Joy,
Thanks for writing. Thank you for believing in me. You are a great artist, illustrator, and poet. I love your poetry and pictures on your blog. Thanks for being my friend all these years. Thanks for sharing your poetry skills with us.
Never Give Up
Why do we lose this ability to believe in ourself before age 10? I need to let my inner kid draw more! Thanks for the encouragement, Joan.
Dear Robin,
Thanks for writing. I have no idea exactly why many of us lose this ability to believe in ourselves. Oh please do let your inner kid draw more. She’ll be excited and simply amaze you! You’re welcome for the encouragement. When I encourage you, I encourage me.
Celebrate you.
Bring out the talents you may have forgotten you have,
Never Give Up
What is the first artistic expression made by a child? A scribble? Later: Coloring book pictures? Later: original drawings of their world? I don’t know the exact order, but artistic expression was there–for all of us. I agree we should believe in it more. As Robin adds, invite the “inner kid to draw more!” Does that make every adult an illustrator? No, but the inner kid needs a voice too. Let him out!
Dear Linda,
Thanks for writing. Oh yes. Young children want to leave a mark on their world. Scribbling designs on walls and in books. Coloring books were a big hit when I was a child. People have missed that inner artistic self and are begging people for coloring books now. You’re right not every adult is an illustrator, but there is some form of art that is healing and fun for them. They may have to look for it and experiment, but it’s there for the finding. Taking a risk with something new is a wondrous ability and fills you with experiences that help you grow and realize talents you didn’t know you had. Many people don’t realize that organizing their furniture and stuff is an artistic endeavor or making a craft. Fun awaits those who try it.
Celebrate you.
Try a new artistic endeavor
You’ll like it.
Never Give Up
Great post, Joan. I consider myself to be an artist not an illustrator. That’s why I’ll stick to creating Coloring books. 😊
Dear Tracy,
Thanks for writing. Look at it this way. Your coloring books will have a theme. Your pictures will fit in with the theme. Therefore, they may be considered illustrations.You are an amazing artist. I love your creations. They are filled with fun and love of what you’re doing.
Celebrate being you!
Never Give Up
Dear Joan,
If stick figures count than, I’m an illustrator. LOL
Dear June,
Thanks for writing. Stick figures count! Love your sense of humor!
Have a fun day!
Never Give Up