“Submit Your Manuscript. No Excuse” by Joan Y. Edwards
If you want your manuscript to be a book, submit your manuscript. When? This month is a great month to submit your manuscript. Knock out your excuses. Put your best foot forward. Publishers can’t publish your work if they don’t know about it. That’s where you have to do the work to introduce your work to the right publisher.
Submit your manuscript in honor of God. God put it on your heart to write or create. If you want it published, ask him to help you. God has faith in you. I have faith in you. Display faith in yourself. Submit your work this month.
So you say, your manuscript is not ready. What will it take to get it ready?
Here are excuses.
Excuse 1 – I haven’t finished it yet.
My Advice: Finish it.
Excuse 2. My critique group read it and gave me errors they found. I’ve corrected all the errors.
My Advice: Conquer your fear. Submit it.
Here are five books that helped me with my writing skills. Checking out a book from your local library is free.
If you want your own copy, usually you can buy used ones from a local used book store or on Amazon for $5.00 or less plus $3.99 shipping.
Noah Lukeman: The First Five Pages.
Margaret Lucke: Schaum’s Quick Guide to Writing Great Short Stories
Blake Snyder: Save the Cat
Jessica Brody: Save the Cat Writes a Novel
Excuse 3. I’ve had 50 rejections on this manuscript. It’s no use to send it out again. It’s hopeless.
My Advice: Never Give Up. Read it over again. Add a twist to help you feel this time is different.
Change the title.
Add a twist of both points of view going through your main character’s mind.
Write your response for the following what if statements. Write 5 of your own.
What if your story took place in another setting. Would make it more difficult for the main character to reach her goal?
What if your main character had a flaw that frightened other characters so much that they gasped for air? Would it help or hinder the main character from reaching his goal?
What if things got three times worse than your main character ever believed it would. Would he die or would he find some unknown way to wiggle out of the bad situation?
What if authority figures doubt that your main character can achieve his goals. Will this stop him temporarily? What three trial and error experiences does he have that leaves him victorious at the end?
Excuse 4. I can’t find a publisher who will accept unsolicited manuscripts.
My Advice: Never Give Up. Say: “I can find a publisher who accepts unsolicited manuscripts.”
50 Publishers Who Accept Unsolicited Manuscripts
You have to check to see whether they publish books like what you’ve written. But here are publishers who accept unsolicited manuscripts. Check their websites for the latest guidelines to make certain they have not changed.
I hope I have encouraged you and given you a little more hope to fill your day. Accept yourself where you are. Be proud of who you are and all that you’ve done in your life.
Get yourself ready to submit a manuscript to a publisher on the third Friday of this month or a day of your choice within 30 days. Submit your article, poem, puzzle, devotion, illustration, short story, chapter book, middle grade novel, young adult novel, adult novel, play, song, or movie. Be like the little duck in my book, Flip Flap Floodle. Say, “I won’t give up.”
Get your creative work ready to send off. Go For It.
Automotive and assembly line industrialist Henry Ford said “Whether You Think You Can or think you can’t, You are Right.”
Start today to say you can. Let me hear you shout, “Yes, yes. I CAN DO IT. I CAN REALLY DO IT.”
You Have the Essentials for Submitting: Go for it.
Step 1 Get work critiqued, revised, printed, and proofed.
Step 2 Choose the publisher, editor, agent, or contest for this writing project.
Step 3 Write the pitch, query letter, cover letter, resume, bio, and/or proposal as required by the guidelines of the editor, agent, or contest you chose for submission this time.
Step 4 Proof and Send your pitch, query letter, cover letter, resume, bio, and/or proposal as required by the guidelines of the editor, agent, or contest you chose for submission this time.
Have I knocked out a few of your excuses. Have I motivated you to submit? I hope so.
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Do something fun before midnight!
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Copyright © 2010-2019 Joan Y. Edwards. All rights reserved.
Updated September 19, 2019.