“Five-Star Agent Blogs and Ten Other Valuable Agent/Query/Writing Resources” by Joan Y. Edwards
Here are resources that might have the vital information to help you find the right agent and ways to improve your manuscript and your query and send it on a successful journey to publication.
1. These two big guides have inspiring and information you need to know about agents and how to contact them.
- Jeff Herman’s Guide to Book Publishers, Editors, and Literary Agents 2013 http://www.amazon.com/Hermans-Publishers-Editors-Literary-Agents/dp/1402271999/
- 2013 Guide to Literary Agents Edited by Chuck Sambuchino: http://www.amazon.com/Guide-Literary-Agents-Chuck-Sambuchino/dp/1599635976
- Query Tracker is a free service that will keep track of your query letters to agents and publishers using a highly advanced tracking system. It will help you find agents and publishers using its wide database. It also has a premium membership. I suggest to use what’s free first. They also have a blog.
- Query Tracker Blog: http://querytracker.blogspot.com/
- Join Query Tracker: http://querytracker.net/join.php
Joan’s Top Five-Star ***** – Top Notch Agent Blogs
- Scott Eagen, agent, Romance genre. Greyhaus Literary Agency: http://scotteagan.blogspot.com/
- Kristin Nelson, Agent. Adult and Children. Nelson Literary Agency .
- Great query/pitch blog posts. http://pubrants.blogspot.com/
- Michael Larsen, Agent with Larson Pomada Literary Agency: http://sfwriters.org/blog/
- Rachelle Gardner, agent, http://www.rachellegardner.com/
Ten Other Extremely Valuable Resources: Blogs by Authors, Agents, Editors, Reviewers
- Cheryl Klein, Author, Editor: her blog: Brooklyn Arden
- Janet Reid, Agent, Adult Crime Fiction, Fine Print Literary Management: http://www.jetreidliterary.blogspot.com
- Joyce Hart, Terry Burns, Diana Flegal, Agents. Romance Genre, Hartline Literary Agency: http://hartlineliteraryagency.blogspot.com/
- Nathan Bransford, Author, Social Media Manager for CNET. Used to be agent. http://blog.nathanbransford.com/
- Suzie Townsend, New Leaf Literary and Media: http://newleafliterary.blogspot.com/
- Martina Boone, Marissa Graff, Lisa Gail Green, Authors. Children’s Publishing Blog. http://childrenspublishing.blogspot.com/
- “Story Book World,” Authors, Agents, and Editors. http://astorybookworld.blogspot.com/
- Kelsey. Reviewer of Young Adult. “The Book Scout:” http://thebookscout.blogspot.com/
Related articles
- Regina Jeffers. How to Sell Your Memoir to a Literary Agent… (reginajeffers.wordpress.com)
- “A Right Fit”: Navigating the World of Literary Agents (themillions.com)
- Check Out this Writing Blog (whatifyoucouldnotfail.typepad.com)
Thank you for reading my blog. I am very glad that you are here. Please let me know your favorite resources for agents and query savvy.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Copyright © 2012 Joan Y. Edwards