Qualities of a Good Friend

Friends Put Life into Your Personal Gas Tank (modified Pixabay image. Thank you, Pixabay)

“Qualities of a Good Friend” by Joan Y. Edwards

I am grateful for my friends. They keep me going. They put fuel in my personal gas tank. You know what I mean. Your friends put fuel in your personal gas tank, too.

When you’re a good friend, you’ll have good friends. I hope that you have wonderful friends who surprise you with their kindness, empathy, and compassion. A good friend is a treasure. Each friend is a blessing from God sent to help you on your journey in life. I am blessed to have great friends.

There have been many times in my life when people gave me friendship that passed all my past experiences and filled me with absolute joy. I’ll share one of them with you.

In 2007, when I was caring for Mother, I decided to have a 90th birthday party for her. My friend, Linda Andersen asked me if I would like for her to drive from Fayetteville a day early and help me with the preparations!

Oh my goodness! How kind of her! I had never had anyone to do that for me. It was a teary, but joyful situation.

We had a wonderful time. She helped me organize our garage so we could get our cars in it. She helped me clean. It’s amazing how much more fun doing chores and decorating is when you have a good friend by your side. Thank you, Linda Andersen. You are a good friend.

Are you a good friend?  I believe you are.

A friend is a good listener.
A friend is non-judgmental.
A friend is loyal, reliable, and trustworthy.
A friend keeps secrets safe, but alerts authorities when your life is at stake.
A friend is fun and has a good sense of humor.
A friend forgives you and respects your personal boundaries.
A friend encourages you.
A friend is resourceful and shares information with you.
A friend is intelligent and wise.
A friend gives opinions only when asked.
A friend is a peacemaker.
A friend is a good teacher.
A friend enables others to be
independent and do things for themselves.
A friend is there for others in good times and in bad.
A friend lends a helping hand for a short time to those who are unable to do essential things to survive tough times.

Is someone out there telling you that you’re not a good friend? Do you have an inner voice that keeps telling you, you’re not a good friend? If so, repeat the affirmation statements below. You will gain a stronger belief in you, your skills, and abilities. Your positive beliefs and actions will help you become a better friend.

I am a good friend. I am loyal. I am trustworthy. I am reliable. I have great ideas. I keep secrets safe, yet I alert the authorities when the safety of my friend or  others is at stake. I am fun. I am creative. I am compassionate. I am a good listener. I have a good sense of humor. I am forgiving. I respect personal boundaries. I am encouraging. I am resourceful. I am intelligent. I am wise. I give my opinion when asked. I am a peacemaker. I enable others to be independent. I help others who are unable to do things for themselves. I am a good teacher. I am there for others in good times and in bad.

After I kept saying these statements for many days, the ones I believed became true. The ones I proclaimed as true became my reality.

If you keep saying these affirmations, your subconscious mind will lead you to make them true. Believe it’s possible.  Believe in you. Love yourself. Love your qualities as a good friend.

Thanks for reading my blog. Please feel free to ask questions and tell me stories about the great friends in your journey here on earth in the comment area. I’d love to hear from you!

Resources are below the signature.

Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Copyright © 2016-2019 Joan Y. Edwards
Written 2-14-16. Revised 6-25-19


  1. AdaptiveLearnin. “Character Traits a Friend Should Have:” https://adaptivelearnin.wordpress.com/2013/04/26/five-minute-friday-character-traits-a-friend-should-have/
  2. Friends.com. “Friendship Qualities:” http://friends.com/friendship-qualities

8 thoughts on “Qualities of a Good Friend”

  1. Joan,
    You are so sweet to mention the time I helped with party preparation. It was my pleasure. Friends help friends. I’m glad it meant so much to you. I was happy to be part of the celebration for your mom. It was a special day and a great party. You loved your mom very much and it showed.

    1. Dear Linda,
      Thank you for writing. Oh Goodness! Your helping me with the preparations for Mother’s birthday party was an outstanding event in my life. We had only known each other for 2 years. I had only seen you two times. We had emailed hundreds of times, but no one had ever said, “I’ll drive four hours, spend the night, and help you clean and decorate for the party.” You took time away from your family and to do lists to be here to help me. It was very kind and generous of you. Thank you again.
      Celebrate you and all the many ways you are a friend to me, Scotty, your family, and others! You are a blessing.
      Never Give Up

  2. Dear Joan, I’m enjoying each one of your February Good Things to share. I learned this quote when in high school and it has remained with me all my life. May it speak to you today, because you are that kind of friend to me.”A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one’s heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take it, sift it, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away.”
    I think it is an Arabian Proverb
    Bless you today, Barbara

    1. Dear Barbara,
      Thank you for writing. I am very glad that you’re enjoying each of the “Say Good Things February” posts. Thank you for sharing the quote you learned in high School. The internet said it was George Eliot who said it. Mary Anne Evans wrote under the pen name of George Eliot. Interesting that it was a writer who said these words with great simplicity and meaning. I am honored that you believe that I am this kind of friend. Your saying that about me fills me with joy!
      I greatly admire the works that you have written and continue to write on behalf of the Soughb people in Indonesia. You are an amazing woman and very talented. I’m glad your writing is being published.
      Never Give Up

    1. Dear Judy,
      Thanks for taking time to write. I appreciate you and your comments very much. I’m honored that you consider my posts, “thought provoking.” Sometimes thinking about other ways of doing things or thinking about things gives us the answers we need. May your friends stand by you and be with you!
      Never Give Up

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