“Plots Need Believable Consequences” by Joan Y. Edwards
A great plot in your fiction novel must have believable consequences in the world you create for it. Otherwise, your story falls off the deep end. Even though you may know that your story needs believable consequences, you may not have noticed they weren’t as believable as you thought.
Sometimes, if you’re like me, you create unbelievable consequences and happenings for your characters. You need a gauge that lights up and goes “BEEP BEEP BEEP” when you put a character in a far-fetched situation or consequence. If you don’t have one of these gauges and can’t find one in your local bookstore, how do you keep the events in the flow of your story natural, believable, and true to character? Perhaps a look at what is the difference between natural consequences, logical consequences, and unrelated man-made consequences that are neither natural or logical will help you:
- Does what happens to your character as a natural consequence for his chosen actions?
- Is what happens to your character as a result of his action a logical consequence set up by another person…the consequences for breaking a law of an antagonist, bully, family, parent, teacher, organization, church, county, city, country, or society? (who makes up their own rules and consequences)
- Is the consequence or result of his action neither natural or logical but a man-made punishment unrelated to crime decreed by a bully, family, parent, teacher, organization, church, county, city, country, or society (who makes up their own rules and consequences)?
In an article “Natural and Logical Consequences” on Kansas University.edu website it states that D.B. Pryor and T.R. Tollerud say that that natural consequences are outcomes that are not planned or controlled but happen as a result of behavior. (Pryor, D.B. & Tollerud, T.R. (1999). Applications of Adlerian Principles in School Settings. Professional School Counseling, 24, 299-304.)
Jerry Webster in his About.com article, “Consequences, Not Punishment,” says that a natural consequences can be dangerous, for instance, when you play with fire you are going to get burned.
Logical consequences teach a lesson because they relate to the behavior. If a three-year old rides his bike in the street, the parents take the bike away for three days. If you do not do your work and a boss fires you, it’s a logical consequence.
Dr. Laura Markham says that punishment is imposing something painful (physically or emotionally) on a child in the hopes that he will behave as we’d like in the future to avoid more punishment. If our child hits and we respond by spanking, sending him to his room, or rescinding his screen privileges, that’s a parent-imposed consequence, otherwise known as a punishment. It may or may not be a logical consequence.
According to Robert K. Merton, purposeful action can have unintended, unanticipated, unforeseen consequences both positive and negative:
- A positive, unexpected benefit which is sometimes called luck, serendipity, or windfall.
- A negative, unexpected detriment that occurs in addition to the desired effect of the policy.
- A perverse or ironic effect that is the opposite or contrary to what the character intended and/or expected. For instance, instead of making it better, it makes the problem worse. Or instead of making it worse and stopping someone, it makes their path easier.
When you use unintended, unanticipated, and/or unforeseen positive and negative consequences for a character’s actions, it adds pizzazz to your manuscripts. It embeds unexpected twists and turns of the plot in your stories that heighten the interest of readers.
What is literary irony? Oatmeal.com and LeastTern.com say there are three types of irony:
- Situational Irony- when the reverse of the expected happens or when the person you least expect to do something, does it – such as: It is ironic that Cinderella gets the prince.
- Dramatic irony happens when the person watching the movie or the reader of a story is aware of a situation, but a character does not realize it. In Romeo and Juliet the reader knows that Juliet isn’t really dead, but Romeo doesn’t know it. Dramatic irony can be a source of tragedy, comedy, or tension.
- Verbal Irony (Language Irony) happens when a person says one thing but means another…the opposite of the truth. For instance, after his wife went on a griping kick, the husband says, “My but you’re in a good mood.”
I hope that studying these different views of natural, logical, consequences and punishment which may be logical or decreed as an aim for control you may be able to put your consequences into a category or figure out a better consequence for the action your particular character takes and what happens to him as a result. Add a dose of irony to put a little layer of oomph in your story.
7 Questions to Make Sure Your Plot Has Believable Consequences:
- What would happen to me if I took this action?
- Would the consequences be different if I did this somewhere else – in a different environment?
- Are there unwritten, unspoken, unknown rules and consequences? Are they natural, logical, or neither?
- Does your story show natural consequences for your character’s actions?
- Does your story show logical consequences for your character’s actions? Decided by: Self, Bully, Parent, Teacher, School, Church, State, Country, Society
- Punishment, neither natural or logical? Decided by: Self, Bully, Parent, Teacher, School, Church, State, Country, Society?
- What result or consequence do you or others expect for the character’s action? Does this happen or does something different and unexpected happen as a result of a character’s actions? Is it situational irony, dramatic irony, or verbal irony?
- Jerry Webster. About.com. Special Education. “Consequences, Not Punishment:” http://specialed.about.com/od/managementstrategies/a/Consequences-Not-Punishment.htm
- Sara Bean, M.Ed. “Five Areas to Let Your Child Face Natural Consequences:” http://www.empoweringparents.com/5-areas-to-let-your-child-face-natural-consequences.php#
- University of Kansas.edu. “Natural and Logical Consequences.” http://www.specialconnections.ku.edu/?q=behavior_plans/classroom_and_group_support/teacher_tools/natural_and_logical_consequences
- Least Tern.com. “Literary Terms: Irony of Situation, Dramatic Irony, Irony of Language:” http://www.leasttern.com/LitTerms/literary_terms.htm
- The Oatmeal.com. “3 Kinds of Irony:” http://theoatmeal.com/comics/irony
- Robert K. Merton. American Sociological Review:“The Unanticipated Consequences of Purposive Social Action:”
- Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irony
- Laura Markham, Phd. “What’s Wrong with Consequences to Teach Children Lessons?” http://www.ahaparenting.com/parenting-tools/positive-discipline/Consequences_Punishment
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Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards, Author
Copyright © 2014-2019 Joan Y. Edwards
Flip Flap Floodle Will this little duck’s song save him from Mr. Fox?
Joan’s Elder Care Guide A guide to help caregivers and elders find solutions.
80 Gospel-Based Crossword Puzzles for Year B Fun for Children’s Liturgy, Children’s Church, Sunday School, and Home Bible Study.
Great coverage of consequences. Do you have a Beep, Beep, Beep gauge as a giveaway?
Dear Linda,
Thanks for writing. I’m glad you thought I gave great coverage of consequences. I’m sorry I don’t have a Beep Beep Beep gauge created yet for a giveaway! I’ll have to work on that.
Celebrate you.
Never Give Up
Thanks Joan,
Hopefully all your great reminders will lead to grand consequences for all.
Dear Mona,
It’s great to hear from you. Thank you for writing. I do hope that my blog posts lead to grand consequences for all. I appreciate your positive helpful attitude.
Celebrate you and have fun doing it.
Never Give Up
Joan, a lot to chew over here. Any references with examples?
Dear Margaret,
Thank you for writing. I’ll have to search for examples. II’ll either add them to this post or make a new post with examples. If you find some, please share them.
Celebrate you.
Never Give up
Five stars, Joan. I was taught “motivation” a long time ago, but I think believeable consequences easier for new authors to grasp. A book i think many readers will want to read is Wired for Story, (http://bit.ly/WiredStory) I loved it and read it, tagged it, underlined it before I send my This Land Divided off to agents. It is now being shopped by Terrie Wolf. I think that tells you how valuable your topic is today!
Dear Carolyn,
Thanks for writing and giving me 5 Stars! OH Wow! I’m glad you believe that believable consequences is a good way to teach new authors to grasp motivation. Good luck with This Land Divided with Terrie Wolf, literary agent. Thanks for telling me about Wired for Story. I’ll read it to get more ideas to improve my writing.
Celebrate you and your neat way of interacting with people in a positive way.
Never Give Up
Joan, one of the things that Wired for Story did for me was make things I already knew alive and real for me–in ways that I could apply them to my book. Call it fresh new eyes.
Let’s keep at it–sharing with other writers! (-:
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Multi Award-Winning Author of the HowToDoItFrugally series for writers including the second editions of the Frugal Book Promoter (http://bit.ly/FrugalBookPromo and The Frugal Editor (http://bit.ly/FrugalEditorKind )The latter is e-book only.for the time being.
Dear Carolyn,
Thanks for writing. Awesome that Wired for Story wrapped things up for you in one neat package for your sweet eyes to see in new ways. I love sharing with others. It brings joy to my soul.
Celebrate you
Never Give Up
Very good post, Joan. I’ve wrestled with this too. I think as authors sometimes we WANT something to happen that may not follow logically from what we’ve already written. Rebecca Petruck encourages me to think about dominoes falling; that image has helped me. Thanks for your reminders. Consequences in scenes are very important.
Dear Carol,
Thanks for writing. Rebecca Petruck gave you good advice in thinking about dominoes falling as a result of the combinations of things happening in the plot. Good thinking. You’re right. Consequences in scenes are very important. Enjoy your writing.
Never Give Up