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“Let the Anger and Frustration Go” by Joan Y. Edwards
Don’t live in the past. Let go of the hurts and the frustrations of the past. Rejoice and celebrate little and big things in the present.
In the first 30 minutes of the following video, Joel Osteen gives you wonderful reasons to
- let it drop
- leave it, and
- let it go.
Sometimes I think I’ve let something go, and I start to tell someone about this event that happened many moons ago. Yikes, I thought I’d forgiven that event. But, the fact that I resurrected it, means I need to go through the forgiveness tunnel again. In my mind, this is where you let things go, you drop them in the tunnel as you come up through it, and let it go, leaving the tunnel and all that hurt behind.
The Forgiveness Tunnel is like a garbage disposal. It tears stuff up into little pieces and makes it where you can’t determine what was in there. It takes all the negative emotions out and all their negative energy. It levels everything. All the trash and garbage disappears. When you turn around and look back, nothing looks different. However, it feels different in your heart. You feel lighter and happier.
There’s only one thing that can bring it all back. The human emotional memory card. It has video capabilities from years and years of experience.
You get to choose what you focus your thoughts, words, and actions on. Knowing I have a choice doesn’t seem to make it any easier to let go of things that bother or bothered me. I think it’s the fact that I’m human.
I discover that I need to go through the Forgiveness Tunnel again. Everyone’s Forgiveness Tunnel looks different.
Once you find a way to let go and forgive a situation, it is very freeing. It feels wonderful. You feel this big load is no longer on your shoulders or on top of your head.
It’s easier to let go when it’s the first time this has happened to you. To me, it gets harder to let go when the experience has what I call the “Grandfather effect.” When it’s happened before many times, it seems your psyche, your inner self has layer upon layer upon layer of emotional hurt to unload, forgive, and let go.
When you carry around anger, hurt, and other emotions with you and run the videos of what happened again and again, it’s like being on a merry-go-round and you want to get off. You don’t realize that this anger, hurt, and other stuff you’re carrying around from the past is hurting you. It’s keeping you from a clear focus on the present and steady movement towards your goals in the future.
All that stress makes it difficult for your body to heal and mend itself.
Many times you need help to truly let go and not want to control other people…make them do it the way you want. Ask God to help you.
In the following post, Mary L Kupferle explains how “God Will Show You How:” https://www.joanyedwards.com/god-will-show-you-how-by-mary-l-kupferle-public-domain/
Sometimes talking to a friend can help you change your focus in a healthier, more positive direction.
Sometimes believing it’s possible to let go of these hurts, makes it easier.
Sometimes a movie or a song has a message to help us let go and to see things in a different way.
God forgives you. God shares his mercy with you! Share his mercy with other person. Walk through that Forgiveness Tunnel and leave all that hurt behind.
A song that’s been popular since 2013 when Disney released the movie Frozen says, “Let It Go.” This is a song from Disney’s 2013 animated feature film Frozen. husband-and-wife songwriting team Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez composed its music and lyrics:
Here’s a sing-along version here:
Thanks for reading my blog.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Copyright © 2016 Joan Y. Edwards
Thank you so much for this post, Joan. I especially like the idea of going through the “Forgiveness Tunnel”–that visual image is profound. The New Year is a great time to recommit to forgiving before moving on to the next thing. Thanks for the reminder!
Dear Becky, You’re very welcome. I’m glad you like the idea of the Forgiveness Tunnel. I first thought of the Forgiveness Tunnel about 29 years ago. I’m glad you liked it. You’re right, the New Year is a great time to recommit to forgiving before moving on to the next thing. You’re welcome for the reminder.
Celebrate you,
Never Give Up
I agree, it is hard to let go and forgive, but HUGELY important. Holding onto these old hurts just leads to bitterness against the person and against God too. We are to forgive as God in Christ has forgiven us. That is a tall order (impossible for us to do on our own) but a great goal.
Dear Carol,
Thanks for writing. You’re so right, it is hard to let go and forgive, but hugely important. We are instructed to forgive as God as Jesus has forgiven us. Sometimes humanity, emotions and desire of control, makes it more challenging. God is there and sends others to help us.
Celebrate you
Never Give Up
Joan, I love your take on “The Forgiveness Tunnel”. Beautifully expressed. 👍
Dear Tracy,
Thanks for writing. I’m glad you like my take on “The Forgiveness Tunnel.” I love the happy colors and designs you create!
Celebrate you.
Never Give Up
Was a wonderful article! I shared with friends who needed to read those words!
Dear Sheri,
Thanks for writing and thanks for sharing with friends who needed to read my words. I do hope it helps them to love themselves by forgiving and letting go of past hurts. It’s freeing and empowering!
Do something fun to celebrate you today.
Never Give Up
So much to let go of and yet so much to be thankful for. We have to keep on going no matter what. Why not learn new strategies for handling things? Thanks, Joan!
Dear Linda,
Thanks for writing. Yes, you’re right. Sometimes there’s a lot to let go of and so many things to be thankful for. Finding new strategies for handling things is a good idea. You’re welcome. I hope some of them work for you when you need them.
Celebrate you and your willingness to try new things,
Never Give Up