“I Love America,” by Joan Y. Edwards
Thank you, God for creating America so I can roam where I want. I love America. It’s the land of my birth. Many people protect it and others on earth. It’s fun to see people, animals, plants, skyscrapers, houses, cars, planes, and trains there.
People can take the word “God” out of the pledge of allegiance. They can make laws saying prayers out loud isn’t allowed. However, people can’t take God out of America. They can’t take God out of the world. You can’t take God out of the people. God is in each of us, no matter what country we live in. Our God is good and gave each of us a homeland. I’m proud that mine is America, home of the free
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Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards, Author
Copyright © 2015 Joan Y. Edwards
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We have much to be thankful for. I’m so appreciative.
Dear Linda,
Thanks for writing. You are right. We have much to be thankful for.
Never Give Up
We are so blessed in this country to be able to watch a squirrel go up a tree,pet a passing dog. Walk down a street with no worries. All this God has given us. I am so grateful for all that I have been given.
Dear June,
Thank you for writing. You are right. We are indeed blessed in our country to be able to enjoy the fun activities you mentioned and others, too. I send praises to God with you in thanksgiving!
Love you.
Joan, so beautifully said 🙂
Dear Kathleen,
Thank you for writing. Thanks for the compliment. Celebrate the fourth by doing something you enjoy!
Never Give Up