Get Rid of Negative Beliefs

“Get Rid of Negative Beliefs” by Joan Y. Edwards

Getting rid of negative beliefs that are keeping your from reaching your goals at the present time is a great idea. But, how do you do that? How do you release the power these negative thoughts and beliefs? How do you go move forward to your goals? I hope this blog post helps you figure that out.

Get a basket or visualize a basket. Visualize all negative beliefs that sneaked into your subconscious mind inside that basket without your conscious agreement.

You can even write them down on a slip of paper and put them into the basket. 

Now write the positive opposite of that on a different slip of paper.  

Realize that it is a choice which one you choose to believe.

Pull out the negative one and bury it somewhere or rip it to shreds.

Maxwell Maltz stated that your subconscious mind automatically steers you to circumstances that reflect your beliefs of what you can do and achieve. It’s your success instinct: Three things activate it: Conscious mind decision of belief and focus, imagination, and action. Even with every complication and obstacle, the vision of your success in your mind, the excitement of getting it, and your action toward it creates the reality for you. I’m going to focus today on belief and focus.

I asked you to picture a basket or put a real basket in front of you. Here’s why:

Before you reach the age of reason, your subconscious mind had things poured into it without a gatekeeper. These beliefs I call them stay there until you as a conscious free-willed person becomes aware that they are not true and need to be changed. There was no conscious mind to say, “I doubt that. No way.” Most of these beliefs were put in there by parents, teachers, and others who had control of your actions. The beliefs they gave you were their opinions of what you should do.

For instance: My husband’s father said, “Carl, you are so slow. Hurry up, son. You are too slow.” When Carl got to the age of a conscious mind, it did this little debate:. I am slow. I am not slow.

The more Carl resisted being slow, the slower he got. He was not okay with being slow. Even as an adult, these voices continued to have him debate his worthiness according to that criteria. After I talked to him and told him it was just his father’s opinion, it was not a fact. I also told him the advantages of taking things slow. When he was able to say, “It’s all right for me to be slow and it’s all right for me not to be slow.” Guess what happened? The debate dissolved.

Once you accept both possibilities, the resistance problem leaves. This gives your instincts a chance to survey the situation and tell you how to get to what you want. Some people have problems achieving their goals even when they think the debating is over. It could an advantage to not achieving the goal you set.

Achieving a goal:

I have a new contract for a published book by the end of 2020.

Not Achieving the goal: I don’t have a new contract for a published book by the end of 2020.

Release on achieving the goal by discussing the advantages and disadvantages of achieving the goal as the thoughts come to your mind.

First write down an advantage to having a new contract for a published book by the end of 2020. Accept them as okay. That’s called releasing your emotions about the contract for a new book.

Second, write down a disadvantage to having a contract for a published book by the end of 2020. Accept them as okay.

Keep going back and forth between the advantages and disadvantages until you can’t think of any more. Be sure and accept that whatever you think of is okay. Do this for as many days as it takes for you to feel no resistance toward achieving your goal.

Now, think of a step you can take to help you get closer to this goal. An opportunity might show itself that you hadn’t even thought of before.

Here’s a story from Hale Dwoskin about a lady whose goal was to lose weight. She used to weigh 115 pounds. She was 75 pounds overweight.

Hale Dwoskin was helping her release. They went back and forth on advantages and disadvantages of her losing weight for several days. One day she got so angry with Hale for asking her what advantages are there for you not to lose weight. She said, “I told you there are NO advantages for me not to lose weight.” Then Hale heard her crying. She was sobbing with loud noises and emotion.

Finally, when she calmed down, he said. “Are you all right?” She said, “Yes. I just remembered an advantage to being overweight and not losing weight.” He said, “What is it?” She said when she and her husband were first married, they put their money in an investment account. Each of them agreed that they would not change the money without letting the other know about it. After they were married 6 months, she was hospitalized for a couple of weeks. When she got out of the hospital, her husband told her that he switched their investment and he had lost all their money in that investment.

She thought to herself. “I’ll fix him for breaking that promise. He likes to show off my beautiful body to his co-workers and friends. I’ll gain weight.” Then she told Hale, “You know. I gained 50 pounds rather quickly and never even thought of that idea I had until today. Once she was aware of that belief, and let go. Also accepting the fact that her husband lost the money. Then she was able to get back her good figure.

Good luck with achieving your dreams! Your goals are right there. Visualize you achieving them!


  1. Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do by Robert H. Schuler 
  2. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Joseph Murphy and Ian McMahon
  3. Awaken the Giant Within Anthony Robbins:
  4. New Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, MD, edited and updated by Dan S. Kennedy and the Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation, Inc.
  5. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
  6. Quantum Success by Sandra Anne Taylor
  7. Sedona Method by Hale Dwoskin using ideas of Lester Levinson
  8. “Strangest Secret,” Text from Earl Nightingale’s Million Seller Recording
  9. You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor
  10. Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill
  11. The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles (This is the book the movie The Secret talks about that contains the secret to getting what you want – excitement, vision of completion, focus equals attraction)

Thank you for reading my blog. Good luck in achieving your dreams.

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Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards, Author
Copyright © 2013-2019 Joan Y. Edwards
All rights reserved.
Never Give Up

Joan Y. Edwards
Flip Flap Floodle Will this little duck’s song save him from Mr. Fox?
Joan’s Elder Care Guide A guide to help caregivers and elders find solutions.
80 Gospel-Based Crossword Puzzles for Year B Fun for Children’s Liturgy, Children’s Church, Sunday School, and Home Bible Study

14 thoughts on “Get Rid of Negative Beliefs”

  1. Joan,

    You have shared some very good points to chew on. We do need to study what makes us who we are more than we realize. Once we figure these things out, we are free to set goals we can reach. Like it! Thanks!

    1. Dear Linda,
      Thank you for writing. I’m glad you believe I shared some really good points in this blog post. It’s amazing that just saying it ‘s okay if we do or it’s okay if we don’t, frees us to release that fear and get what we really want.

      Do something fun before midnight!
      Never Give Up

  2. My husband and I were just discussing this kind of situation – – notions we get before we are able to reason or be exposed to anything different. This is a beautiful article, Joan! When you tweet these posts out, please tag me so that I can retweet them for you!@frugalbookpromo

    1. Dear Carolyn,
      Thank you for writing. I’m glad that you and your sweet hubby were discussing this kind of situation…notions we get before we are able to reason or be exposed to anything different. Thanks for saying for me to tweet this post out to tag you on Twitter. I’ll do that. You’re the best.

      Do something fun before midnight.
      Never Give Up

  3. Joan, this is a different way of putting a standard therapy technique. The more you argue with a belief, the stronger it gets. Simply accept it, and its energy reduces. It’s there, so what. And it can fade away.
    I’ve had clients write the thought in fancy script on a piece of paper, put it in a lovely box and bury it, then plant a rose bush on top.

    1. Dear Bob,
      Thanks for writing. Thanks for telling me that this is a different way of putting a standard therapy technique. Figuring out how our brain works really helps us out, doesn’t it? You’re a jewel for helping so many with your counseling!

      Never Give Up

        1. I recently listened to a podcast on forgiveness. A woman had experienced a lot of pain at the hands of her husband. Her Christian therapist had her right each thing down on a piece of paper and then he put a red square on top of each symbolizing Christ’s blood that paid for those sins. The woman said she walked out of the office and didn’t even think to pick up the pieces of paper. To me as a Christian, this is part of putting on the “new man” (or “woman”). But it often means coming to grips first with what those negative old messages are. That, as you know, takes a lot of work.

  4. Thanks for sharing Carl’s story. But I want to remind you that he was able to embrace both the slow and the “not slow” because you showed him that he was being regulated by his father’s opinion of him. You helped him to SEE it and he was willing to see it too. That was being a great helpmeet to him! In my next WIP my main character is dyslexic and labeled “slow” by all his teachers. I think I’m going to reread this blog when I write about him. Thanks very much!! (and a hug to Carl too)/ Carol

    1. Dear Carol,
      Thank you very much for writing. I’m glad you liked that I shared Carl’s story about his believing what his father had always told him, “You’re so slow.” Thanks for saying I was a good helpmate by telling him that he wasn’t slow just because his father said so. We all have beliefs about ourselves that may not be true. It’s good when we find a way to release them so they don’t have such an edge of power over us. I hope my blog post helps you with your main character in your next WIP. I know you’re going to be able to find the right way to portray him! I’ll tell Carl you’ve sent him a hug.

      Never Give Up

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