“22 Literary Agents Who Are Looking for You” by Joan Y. Edwards
I am not a publisher or an agent. I am a writer. It’s frustrating when you find a publisher you like and in their guidelines they state:
“We are no longer accepting unsolicited manuscripts. We only accept from an agent.”
Horror of all horrors. That’s not what we writers or illustrators want to hear.
After I wrote the post about 50 Publishers Who Accept Unsolicited Manuscripts, I researched agents. I found 22 agents who are looking for your manuscripts.
Remember that many agents will accept your query (a letter explaining your project and asking if they are interested in seeing your manuscript) but not a manuscript unless they ask for it.
Thank you to all publishers and agents who accept unsolicited queries and manuscripts from writers. Hurray for you.
Read the agent’s guidelines carefully to make sure they are still accepting unsolicited submissions – queries and manuscripts.
Follow their guidelines.
Updated these October 20, 2021. Please let me know in a comment when a link no longer works. I’ll find another agency to replace it.
Agent for Authors Who Are Already Published – Adult
1. Dystel, Goderich & Bourret, LLC Submission Guidelines
Agents for Screenplay Writers (one accepts books, too)
- Cedar Grove Agency Entertainment http://www.angelfire.com/movies/cedargrove/Email: cedargroveagency@msn.com
- Evatopia Entertainment Screenwriters http://evatopiaentertainment.com/submissions. Specializes in movie scripts, but also actively seeking: juvenile literature _ middle grade, YA and some nonfiction (mostly biographies).Release agreement – Good to read it. http://evatopiaentertainment.com/release-agreement
- Gallagher Literary They use a submission form. http://www.gallagherliterary.com/pitch.html
Agents for Adults Only
- Irene Goodman Literary Agency Submissions This agency is always looking for the finest in commercial and literary fiction and non-fiction, including mysteries, romance, women’s fiction, thrillers, and suspense. Some agents represent young adult. They do not represent poetry, inspirational fiction, screenplays, or children’s picture books.
- Martin Literary Submission Policy
Adult and Children’s Books
7. Books and Such Literary Agency. “Submissions:” http://www.booksandsuch.com/submissions/
8. Curtis Brown LTD, Adult and Children’s books http://www.curtisbrown.com/submissions
9. Donald Maass Literary Agency. “Submissions:” http://maassagency.com/submissions/
10. Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency. “Submission Guidelines:” http://ethanellenberg.com/submission-guidelines/
11. Greenburger Associates Check each agent for what they want and the agent’s email for submissions. http://greenburger.com/submissions/
12. The Knight Agency – Knight Agency.net
13, Martin Literary Management http://www.martinlit.com/#!submission-policy/c2052. One agent accepts only adult non-fiction. The other agent accepts children’s books fiction and non-fiction.
14. McIntosh and Otis, Inc. “Submissions:” http://mcintoshandotis.com/submissions/
15. Writers House Adult and Children’s Books. Check submission guidelines: http://www.writershouse.com/submissions/
Literary Agents for Children’s Books Only
16. Andrea Brown Literary Agency. “How to Submit:” https://www.andreabrownlit.com/submissionsttp://www.andreabrownlit.com/how-to-submit.html
17. Flannery Literary http://flanneryliterary.com/contact
18. Folio Literary Management. https://www.foliolit.com/submit
19. Sheldon Fogelman Agency. “Submissions:” http://www.sheldonfogelmanagency.com/submissions.htm
20. Stimola Literary Studio, Inc. “Submission Guidelines:” Stimola Literary Studio – Submissions Guidelines
21. Trident Media Group. “Submissions” Trident Media Group – Submissions
22. Wernick & Pratt Agency. “Submissions Policy:” http://www.wernickpratt.com/submissions-policy/
Other Lists of Agents:
Lists of Agents for all books
- Association of Author’s Representatives. “Agents:” https://aalitagents.org/agent-categories/
- Chuck Sambuchino’s New Literary Agents blogposts: At least 2 times a week, I’d estimate! http://www.writersdigest.com/editor-blogs/guide-to-literary-agents/10-questions-to-ask-an-agent-before-you-sign
- Chuck Sambuchino. “Guide to Literary Agents:” http://www.writersdigest.com/editor-blogs/guide-to-literary-agents
- Kathy Temean has an awesome blog with interviews with agents called Illustrating and Writing: https://kathytemean.wordpress.com/.
- Query Tracker-Literary Agents has lists of agents, too. It lists the agencies and tells if they accept unsolicited submissions. It also lists all of their agents. It tells whether to send email or snail mail.
Resources for Screenwriters
I recommend signing up for the Manager’s List for Number 5 and they will send you daily tips for screenwriters.
- Everything Screenwriters Need to Know about Agents, and Managers
- Script Reader Pro Screenwriting Manager’s List PDF https://www.scriptreaderpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Screenwriting-Managers-List.pdf
- Script Reader Pro: https://www.scriptreaderpro.com/screenwriting-managers/
- https://scriptreaderpro.ck.page/e2b121df9a sign up for Manager’s List and they also send you an email every day with tips for screenwriting
- Hank Marlowe. WritetoReel.com. Listing of Screenwriter Agents, Producers, Managers: http://writetoreel.com/unsolicited-queries-agents-producers-managers-list
Lists for Agents for Children’s Books
- Picture Book Agents: Chuck Sambuchino. Writers Digest. “Picture Book Agents:” Writers Digest – Guide to Literary Agents for Picture Books
- Picture Book Agents (Many of these handle adult books, too) Edie Hemingway. Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia Region, SCBWI. “As the Eraser Burns:” http://aseraserburns.wordpress.com/2010/09/13/top-20-picture-book-agents-in-publishers-marketplace/ (Many of these agencies handle adult books, too.
- Picture Book Agents: Heather Ayris Burnell. “Monster List of Picture Book Agents:” http://frolickingthroughcyberspace.blogspot.com/p/monster-list-of-picture-book-agents.html
- Young Adult Agents: Chuck Sambuchino. Writers Digest. “Young Adult Literary Agents:” http://www.writersdigest.com/editor-blogs/guide-to-literary-agents/young-adult-literary-agents
Lists of Agents for Adult Books
- Guide to Christian Literary Agents
- Guide to Nonfiction Agents
- Romance Agents.” Top 10 Literary Agents for Romance:” http://literaryagentnews.blogspot.com/2007/10/top-10-literary-agents-for-romance.html
- Screenwriter Agents. Hank Marlowe. WritetoReel.com. “Screenwriter Agents, Producers, Managers:” http://writetoreel.com/unsolicited-queries-agents-producers-managers-list
How to Find an Agent
Ginny Wiehardt. About.com. “Research Agents:” http://fictionwriting.about.com/od/thebusinessofwriting/tp/researchagents.htm
Joan Y. Edwards. “Take These Steps before You Sign with an Agent:” https://www.joanyedwards.com/2015/07/28/take-these-steps-before-you-sign-with-an-agent/
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Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards, Author
Copyright © 2013-2019 Joan Y. Edwards
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Flip Flap Floodle Will this little duck’s song save him from Mr. Fox?
Joan’s Elder Care Guide A guide to help caregivers and elders find solutions.
I admire your willingness to research for literary agents and share your findings. What a great gift–the gift of time. And in this case, lots of time. I hope you found at least one golden nugget that you will contact personally.
Dear Linda,
Thanks for writing. Thanks for the compliment. I did find a few that I might meet be a good match for me and my writing. I hope there’s one for you, too.
Celebrate you today.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
thanks for this list. I’ll save it in my “agents” folder for when it’s time for me to look for one!
Dear Carol,
Thanks for writing. You’re welcome for the list of agents. I do hope you find one when it’s time to head in an agent’s direction. Remember an agent is looking for you when you are looking for him.
Celebrate your writing.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Such a timely topic for me, Joan, since I am searching for one. Children’s Writers Market book is a great resource too, as is SCBWI if you write for kids. Can a non-member see the SCBWI list ?
I’ll answer my own question about the SCBWI list: a non-member can read it, but it’s several years old. I’m not sure how it’s been updated since then.
I’ve just started reading through all your links. This will keep me busy all weekend. Thanks again, Joan– You rock!
Dear Juliana, I’m glad that you wrote again to clarify your question about the SCBWI list. SCBWI Members can see the current list.
I’m glad that you’re looking forward to going through the links in this blog post. Thanks for saying that I rock. What a nice compliment.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Dear Juliana,
Thanks for writing. I’m glad you are searching for an agent. To see the current list you probably have to be a member of SCBWI. Even on current lists, it’s a good plan to check their website for guidelines. The submission guidelines may change from the time they are posted to the time you read them.
Good luck with your pursuit of an agent. Remember the right agent is looking for you, too.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Another winner! I’ll catalog and file the list for future use. VERY HELPFUL! Thanks once again.
Dear Sandra,
Thanks for writing. I’m glad you’re going to catalog an save the list for when you might need it in the future.
Good luck with your new launch of Arlie, the Alligator.
Thanks for the compliment about the list being very helpful.
Celebrate you.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
A very helpful post, Joan. Sure to be appreciated!
Dear Maureen,
Thanks for writing. I’m glad that you think this post is helpful. I appreciate the compliment.
Have fun traveling around. Celebrate you.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Thanks Joan, this is a very helpful blog entry. Sarah
Dear Sarah,
Thanks for writing. I’m glad you found this post to be very helpful. Enjoy your writing. Remember to submit your manuscripts.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
You are a superb teacher and a tireless researcher!! This is another one of your most valuable posts. Thanks for all you do, Joan! Have a blessed day, my friend.
Dear Ann,
Thank you for reading my blog and for writing. I appreciate your vote of confidence in me, as a teacher. Saying I am a tireless researcher is a great compliment. Thank you. I hope your sequel to Hiding Carly sells oodles and oodles.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Wow. What a great post. I tweeted and face booked it. I would add to your websites Literary Rambles http://www.literaryrambles.com
They do agent posts which highlight the agent’s preferences. On the left hand side of the blog there is a list of agents by genres they accept.
Dear Susan,
Thanks for reading my post and writing me a note. I am glad you liked this 18 Literary Agents article. Thank you for letting me know another website to add to the resources in it. You are a jewel to share your information with me. Thanks for tweeting and facebooking a reference to it.
Celebrate you.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Thank you Young Adult Fiction blog for referring your readers to my blog post.
Never Give UP
Joan Y. Edwards
Dear Dynamo Di,
Thank you for putting a link to my blog. I appreciate it very much.
Celebrate you and your love of writing
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
It’s so wonderful you took the time to research this out and put it together. It seems these days you need a magic wand to get anywhere in anything but indie publishing so every time I see a post like this I think, wow, someone understands and cares.
Dear Cimon,
Thank you for writing. You are welcome. I hope the list of Literary Agents helps you hook an agent.
Celebrate you and your love of writing.
Joan, what a lovely person you are, to share something that has required your time and effort. Such a selfless act, knowing that one of the people reading your list may potentially take your ‘chance’ with the agent or publisher – yet you choose to disseminate rather than hoard the information. Even if I never submit another thing, I will appreciate the effort you have made on the part of all aspiring writers.
I wish you luck and joy.
Dear Lee,
Thank you for writing. What a wonderful compliment you gave me! I appreciate it very much. There is room for all of us to be published. I got frustrated at trying to find publishers and agents who were willing to accept unsolicited manuscripts. I started making a list. Then I decided that my information was much more a treasure if I shared it with others. Perhaps we could get to the publishing place together.
Please do submit your writing. The world is waiting for it. I am thankful for the honor you bestowed upon me with your wishes for good luck and joy!
May you always have the courage to take action toward your goals.
I hope you’ll visit my website often. If there’s something you would like for me to write about, let me know.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Joan, you’ve done it again. A GREAT list! Thanks for sharing once again.
One question though: do you ever sleep?
Dear Sandra,
Thanks for writing. I am honored that you believe this is a great list. You are welcome for the list.
You made me laugh with your question, “Do you ever sleep?”
Yes, I do sleep. If I get restless and can’t sleep, then I go to the computer and write. I’m glad you read my blog and find it helpful.
Thanks for your gift of humor.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Pamela June Cohen
Thanks, Joan, for compiling this list.
Dear Pamela,
Thank you for writing. You are very welcome for my compiling this list. I hope you will visit my blog again!
Go through the day and celebrate you!
Never Give Up
Don’t even bother with Diana Finch, people. You apparently have to have a membership in order to submit a query through her website (https://dianafinchliteraryagency.submittable.com/submit/1681), and her submission guidelines aren’t even consistent throughout each website that lists her contact information for hopeful writers. Seriously, just search for her name in AgentQuery.com’s database, Chuck Sambuchino’s blog at WritersDigest.com, and MarketList.com’s database. Her submission guidelines aren’t consistently similar on each of these sites OR on her own website.
Thank you anyway for compiling this list, Joan, but Diana Finch is NOT someone whom I’d recommend to up-and-coming authors to contact in terms of having her represent their work.
Dear Chad,
Thanks for writing and telling me about your bad experience. I’ll remove her name from my list. I appreciate you taking the time to write and let me know.
I wish you good luck in finding an agent you can rely on and can communicate with in a proper manner.
Celebrate you and your concern for all writers,
Wonderful information and dedication to aspiring authors! Thank you so much for all of the information you posted and shared. Internet Communities are just awesome and I love to get instant results when researching. Again, great job!
Dear Renee,
Thank you very much for leaving a comment here and on my Facebook Author page. You are very thoughtful. I appreciate it very much. I hope the 18 Literary Agents leads you to the agent who is looking for your work.
Celebrate you and your thoughtful ways,
Awsome and wonderful is the to describe your website. It is a blessing for new authors like me as well as experience authors. Patrick
Dear Patrick,
Thanks for writing. I’m glad you like my blog. I hope you’ll subscribe (left-hand column on blog). Good luck to you in finding the publisher you want!
Let me know if there’s a subject you’d like for me to write about.
Celebrate you
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Great information here, thanks for sharing this info. I’ve recently published two Kindle books and putting the final touches on my three children’s book series. Happy reading and may your words led you to where you need to be!
Dear Caroline,
Thank you for writing. I’m glad you believe the information I put about publishers is great information. Thanks for your good wishes for my publication, too.
Celebrate you.
Never Give Up
Reblogged this on April Margeson and commented:
Great Info….
Dear April,
Thank you for writing. I’m glad that you thought the 18 Agents information was helpful. You honor me by reblogging it.
Celebrate you.
Never Give Up
I love reblogging great information. Thank you for posting it.
Dear April,
You are welcome.
Never Give Up
This is exactly what I have being looking for, an agents list, it is even more difficult than the writing itself. Hope it will work for me. You’ve done a wonderful job that requires great appreciation. Thank you
Dear Alliyu Baba,
Thank you for writing. I am excited that this is exactly what you have been looking for. Finding the right agent does take time and skill. Remember that the right agent is also looking for you.
I hope you subscribe to my blog.
Celebrate you and your writing.
Never Give Up
Hi Joan:
Thanks for your excellent research! I am a screenwriter seeking an agency that reps screenplays. Most of your research seems to be focused on literary. Can you direct me to other resources? Thanks.
Ed Munter
Dear Ed,
Thank you for writing.http://www.hollywoodscriptexpress.com/literary-agents.html
After I complete the editing of my elder care guide, I’ll check them out and see if they all accept unsolicited screenplays. I have two screenplays to submit myself. Good luck with yours!
Never Give Up
Hi Joan, I am a Service Coordinator (similar to a Case Manager) and I work with individuals with Intellectual Disabilities. There is one particular young lady that I work with that is 25 yrs old and has Down Syndrome. She is extremely talented with her illustrating and story telling. She has a very creative and vivid imagination. She has written a number of books with illustrations that her mother would love to have published. Would you be able to offer me any advice?
Thank you,
Dear Karen,
You are a blessing to many. Thank you for helping those with disabilities. Other than submitting them to one or two of publishers on my post 33 Publishers Who Accept Unsolicited Manuscripts or have them self-published through CreateSpace.
I’m sorry I don’t have more information to share with you.
Never Give Up
Karin should direct them to Amazon.KindleKids, a platform for self-publishing picture books as an ebook. Amazon has CLASSES that teach you how to set it up yourself.
Gretchen Griffith just did with with her wonderful little book, Hoop Hike, http://tinyurl.com/pfpnxd9 I believe the setup is FREE and books are sold on Amazon….THIS IS FOR EBOOKS ONLY. You will not get a physical book from it but your story and book and illustrations will be out there and for sale.
Good Luck!
Karin, Check out Sandra Warren’s comment after yours. She suggests using Amazon’s Kindle Kids. They have classes, too.
In this one world, there is two world
inside it: one world of
different evil spirit and the world of
human being, which
co-exist as the same one world we
are living. still our one
world, Just one is spiritual, after I
became born again God
redeemed me have been living in
the two worlds at the
same timei.e. Living in flesh in
human world and in spirit in
the spiritual world, the world of all
the evil spirit is also
where all the spirit in humans is
also open to and our own
world where we see where human
flesh is living, I live in
the both world simultaneously, in
flash and in spirit, how
God has redeemed me after I
became born again, how
have been living my own personal
life every single day
seeing all that has been happening
to human spirit in the
spiritual world as I like as a spirit
and as human in human
world, when the gift was given to
me, I first run crazy,
month after month I got use to it, I
got more stronger,
more stronger and have lived like
every other humans
without been noticed that I live in
two world, each and
every months, the gift became more
powerful, God blessed
me more gifts, spiritual wisdom,
discerning of spirit, gift of
knowledge and allot of messages
what I must do with all
the gifts I was bless, I am to review
the meaning of Book
of Revelation, for everyone to know
the true meaning, and
everything it says, to write and
report all that is happening
presently in the two world to the
people of the world, this
book must be the book of truth,
everything I must write
must be the truth.
have reviewed the meaning of book
of Revelation as my duty requested with my gifts… it been so difficult to
publish it due to my financial
statues,have kept my gift secret till the right time to tell.. if any publisher want to
help you can contact me on
Dear Abebanjo,
I am not an agent. I list names and addresses of agents so you can send them a letter personally.
Good luck with your writing and find an agent.
Never Give Up
I contacted (via email) Charlotte Gusay a few days ago. She was rather rude, emailed me back and told me NOT to send her anything, and if I wanted her to read my screenplay it would cost $500 and she still probably wouldn’t pass it on to anyone. Most people I’ve contacted were friendly. Not her.
Dear Melody,
I’ll remove Charlotte Gusay’s name and contact information from my list. I apologize. I didn’t know. Sometimes the information they put on their sites is not the full story.
Thanks for reading my blog. I’ll look and see if I can find one to replace this one.
Never Give Up
Looking to share my ideas on my scripts and my life
Dear Latoya,
Thanks for writing. I wish you good luck in finding an agent for your scripts. I hope you find a friend to share your life with.
Never Give Up
Hi Joany, Thank for all this valuable information, Three days ago I wrote a Query letter ti Chuck Sambuchino & his Literary agents. I received confirmation that they received my pitch.
Again thanks,
Dear Violette,
You are welcome. I’m glad that the list of literary agents helped you. I hope that Chuck Sambuchino & his agents say, “YES.”
Thanks for writing!
Never Give Up
Thanks for the list Joan. It’s a big help. Anna
Dear Anna,
Thank you for writing and telling me that my list of agents is a helpful list! Good luck to you.
Never Give Up
Thank you, Joan.
Dear Ernest,
Thank you for writing. I hope you find the right agent for you and your story (stories)!
Never Give Up
I spent 4 years writing and rewriting my book, which I assumed was the hard part. Hah! I now see that once you have the baby, you still need to raise the child. The confusing world of publishing is something which I in no way expected, so I especially thank you for this list and all the work you did on preparing It!
Best, Debi
Dear Debi,
Thank you very much for taking the time to write me a note. How sweet of you! I know what you mean. Getting a book published definitely has different steps…all necessary…all with tricky components. I hope my list helps you achieve your dreams. I have an article on 50 publishers who accept unsolicited manuscripts, too. https://www.joanyedwards.com/2013/04/07/50-publishers-who-accept-unsolicited-manuscripts/
I hope you subscribe to my blog.
Never Give Up
Dear Joan,
I have just completed my book and entering the next stage of getting it published. There is a lot of information out here but your website has given me hope. Thanks for taking the time to do this. One question I have for you; I have written a screenplay that I think would be ideal for the Netflix arena. How do I go about contacting them; querying or submitting a manuscript to them for their consideration? Thanks again,
Dear Anila, Thank you for writing! You must have an agent to submit to Netflix. Amazon accepts unsolicited manuscripts. Here is a link
To read their submission guidelines.
Good luck with your writing.
Never Give Up
Hello looking for an agent
My first project is a winner in the Capital Fund screenplay competition, Hot 100 winners of 2019 #83. I finished a screenplay called Star Child and working now on Magic Reborn for next competitions.
I’m good in the action Genre, O.K hope someone has an interest in me, thank you
Dear Billy,
You have to contact the agents directly. I’m glad that you won the Capital Fund Screenplay competition! Awesome! So proud of you and your writing.
Good luck.
Never Give Up
Thanks for all of the lists. I’ll be back here when I start querying in force!
Dear Carol,
You are welcome. I wish you good luck in finding your agent!
Thanks for writing!
Never Give Up