“God’s Mercy at Work” by Joan Y. Edwards
Watch and listen to my God’s Mercy at Work devotional video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/khxAMGtWLnE.
On Monday morning a boy was walking to school. A friend joined him and said, “Two people are following you. Who are they?”
The boy turned around and looked. “Oh! That is just Goodness and Mercy. Yesterday, the preacher said that they will follow me all the days of my life.” (Psalm 23:6)
Last September, I visited my friends, Gina and Bill in St. Louis, Missouri. I asked them how their friends and family were. Gina told me some were not as sick and others were less troubled as they had been. I said, “That’s God’s Mercy at Work.” Gina said saying “God’s Mercy at Work” made her notice how God was working in her life, too.” Bill said that “God’s Mercy at Work” reminded him to thank God and to ask him to continue sharing his mercy with him, his family, and friends.” So today, I ask you, “Where do you find God’s Mercy at work?”
God’s Mercy is at work in each one of you. It is healing your body, mind, and spirit. God ministers to you. He provides everything you need to live. He gives you enough for your own needs and a little extra to share. Through God’s mercy, you have everything you need.
Elijah asked a widow woman for bread, when she only had enough oil and flour to make a cake of bread for her and her son. Through God’s Mercy at Work, the woman’s flour and oil made enough bread for them and Elijah, too. Plus, her oil and flour lasted for days and days afterwards. (1 Kings 17). Like this woman in the Bible, you share the time, talents, and treasure God gives you with those around you. Like Elijah, you pray and ask God to bless others who share what they have with you in your time of need.
God’s Mercy at Work.
You are kind to yourself and others. You love without expecting anything in return. You focus on solutions, not problems. You encourage others to believe in themselves with unwavering faith. You help children and adults to be strong and to be able to say no to drugs. You listen to the anxious, the depressed, the grieving, and the sorrowful. You forgive those who have offended you. You lead others to God through understanding and good example.
God’s Mercy at Work.
The human touch is healing. You hold the hands of those hurting from pain and sorrow. Did you know they sometimes train volunteers to rock babies and toddlers who are in a hospital? Rocking imitates the constant movements in the womb, it comforts and promotes healing. You provide care for a child or youth when they cannot remain safely in their homes due to neglect and abuse. You feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, provide rest for the weary, and bury the dead. You clothe the naked, give shelter to the homeless, and visit the sick.
God’s Mercy at Work.
“God has said what you do for the least of these, you have done it for me.” (Matthew 25:40-45)
God’s Mercy at Work.
Talk with God. Say, “I am here, Lord. How may I reflect your mercy today?”
Thank you for reading my blog. Please share how God’s mercy is at work in your life or how you have witnessed it being shown in a loved one’s life.
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