“How to Draw in Two-Point Perspective” by Joan Y. Edwards
Two-point perspective has two vanishing point lines heading out from one particular corner spot in an image. Usually at the top and bottom of a vertical line that juts out.
I found several pictures on Pixabay that might help you understand a little better about it. If a building juts out towards you, with lines going out from it in two other directions, it probably is in two-point perspective.
Also, if you’re looking at a room, where you can only see one corner of a room in the distance and two walls jutting at an angle from it, it probably is a two-point perspective.
Here are five images to help you understand.
Image Examples of Two-Point Perspective:
In Two-Point Perspective, the points may be towards you.

In Two-Point Perspective, the points may be away from you.

Steps to Drawing a Building in Two-Point Perspective
- Draw your horizon line straight across the page.
- Draw two points about a half-inch from the edge of the paper: one on the left side of the horizon line and another on the right side of the horizon line. These are your two vanishing points. All diagonal lines will go through one of these points. I discovered that if I make each dot an X then, it was easier to find and easier to line up with it.
- Draw the middle line that juts out towards you.
- Draw a line from top of the jut line to the left vanishing point.
- Draw a line from the bottom of the jut line to the left vanishing point.
- Draw a line from the bottom of the jut line to the right vanishing point.
- Draw a line from the bottom of the jut line to the left vanishing point.
Here are two images I drew for you in two-point perspective.
The first is a sketch of a laundry room. This time the jut line is away from you. I hope you can tell what the items are. If you can’t, just write me a little note and ask.

The second illustration is also one of two-point perspective. This time the jut line is facing you. I drew a part of a city, I only drew two buildings so that I wouldn’t cover up the original two vanishing points. I made the image in the blog especially big, so that you might be able to see the red X’s for the vanishing points.

I hope that you enjoyed reading my blog. I hope you’ll try doing two-point perspective or draw for the adventure of doing it. Just to think that I started out with a horizon line and 2 vanishing points on each end. Simply amazing to me. One of the reasons, I’ve been working on perspective is so I’ll be able to make the illustrations better for my chapter book, Larry, the Terrifying Turkey.
I guess you noticed that sometimes one or both of the vanishing points can act like the single vanishing point. Things tend to get smaller in the distance. On city streets, you might need more than two points of perspective.I hope you will leave me a note. I love hearing from the people who read my blog. I’d be honored if you would share it with others on Facebook, Twitter, or email.
Lots of Resources follow my signature.
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Joan Y. Edwards, Author
Copyright © 2017 Joan Y. Edwards
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Lots of Resources – Lots and Lots of Resources
- ContrastBlack Studio DesignTutsPlus.com. Technical Drawing for Beginners: Two Point Perspective:” https://design.tutsplus.com/articles/technical-drawing-for-beginners-two-point-perspective–vector-21862
- Hello Artsy.com. “2 Pt Perspective Drawing: Step by Step:” http://helloartsy.com/2pt-perspective/
- Instructables.com. “How to Make a Two Point Perspective Drawing:” http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-a-Two-Point-Perspective-Drawing/
YouTube Videos
- Circle Line Art School. “How to Draw in 2-Point Perspective: A Modern House:” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZ0IgP25sV8
- iDraw. “How To Draw In Two Point Perspective | Easy:” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29-bPAhvzFI
- Frank Korb. “Two Point Perspective Stairs:” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFwevKdC-r8&t=24s
- Circle Line Art School. Tom. “How to Draw an Airplane and Airport in 2-Point Perspective:” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgfeehj48a4
- Circle Line Art School. Tom. “How to Draw a City in Two Point Perspective:” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNq78n02fMQ&t=167s
- Diane Wood. “How to Draw a Room in 2 Point Perspective:” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCanYY7eLeA
- Joshua Hendry. Drawing Tutorial – 2 Point Perspective (Buildings):” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwYUHx4Yong
- Milan Claudio. “2-Point Perspective City Drawing Tutorial:” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qUIVGKGzB8
- Online Drawing Lessons. “Two Point Perspective Drawing Tutorial (A Room):” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvTPywbY2yM
- Paul Priestley. “How to Use Two Point Perspective:” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfvTGb1igZ4
- Suzette Morrow. “2 Point Perspective Drawing:” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpLJT_SHqpU
- Virtual Instructor. “Two Point Perspective:” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZ0IgP25sV8
- idraw. “How to Draw Two Point Perspective| Easy:” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29-bPAhvzFI
Thank you, Joan. You are a lady of many talents.

Dear Bob,
Thank you for writing. I’m glad that you liked my post about two-point perspective. I appreciate your compliment. You have many talents, too.
Never Give Up
So proud of you and your willingness to learn new things and share them with others. That is SO you!
Dear Linda,
Thank you for writing. Thank you for being proud of me and my willingness to share what I’ve learned about new things with others. I enjoy learning. I also enjoy teaching. So doing that is a win-win situation for me. It helps me reach my goals and it may help someone else reach their goals, too.
Thanks for being on my life’s path.
Never Give Up on your and your life’s path,
You are welcome for my comments. Thanks for your well wishes for me and for your great friendship!
You’re welcome.:)
Fascinating. Thanks. I have to try this some time!
Dear Carol,
Thank you for writing. I am glad that you might try drawing at a future time. You’ll be amazed at how it helps your problem solving in other areas, too. I’m honored that you follow my blog and take time to leave comments.
Never Give Up
Whoa! I cannot draw a lick, so it was fascinating to see how you do the two-points perspective!
Dear Catherine,
Thank you for writing. I’m glad that you found it fascinating to see how to draw two-point perspective. It gets confusing at times. It’s a different way to look at things. I think it helps improve your mind in problem solving. Try drawing something. You’ll be amazed at how much better you do at it than you ever imagined.
Do something fun.
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