Happy 20th Anniversary, Flip Flap Floodle!

When I visited my sister, Judith Thomson in Oregon in 1991, she shared with me that the Indians chose nine (9) animals they saw frequently to study and learn skills or traits that might help them survive better.

She had cards called Medicine Cards, Animal Spirit Cards or Totem Animal Spirit cards, or Power Animal Spirit Cards. I told her that I wanted to choose the animals that I already knew had helped me during my life and to study and find out reasons why.

What traits do animals that you see or have a yearning to see them more often have to offer you a way to protect or to inspire yourself? Yes, I believe God definitely speaks to us through people. I think animals can help us, too. Thank the people and animals who help you.

The first animal I noticed as a child was a duck. He continues to be an animal I learn from now. When I was five years old, I went around telling everyone I met the story I made up about Flip Flap Floodle, a little duck who never gave up. Flip continued to believe he was going to be okay even in the face of the danger he encountered with Mr. Fox.

After I had my first child, Lorrie, I thought, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have this story in a book in the library? My daughter would be able to go inside and ask for Flip Flap Floodle. She would bring it home to me and be so excited.

I tried for 35 years to get the book published. After I retired from teaching, I decided to self-publish the book and illustrate it myself. On April 24, 2004 I self-published Flip Flap Floodle.  Lucky for me, they had on-demand printing and DUN-TA-DUN COLOR printing. Before then, they would have only been able to print it in black and white. I am a lucky lady.

Happy 20th Anniversary, Flip Flap Floodle. Thanks for helping me believe in myself.

I hear from readers every once in awhile. Adults and children of all ages who say they enjoyed Flip Flap Floodle. Although my book was not published until 2004, I told and retold the story to lots of children. They sang Flip’s song with me. Many of them told me as many as 30 years later that they still sing Flip’s song. And that his song comes to mind whenever they are trying to do something difficult. The song just Flips out of their mouths. That makes my heart melt when I hear that.

Here’s my recording of Flip’s Song!

Flip Flap Floodle, Floodle, Floodle.
Flip Flap Floodle, Floodle, Floodle.
Flip Flap Floodle, Floodle, Floodle!

More reasons to study the duck. According to Uniguide.com, its meaning and symbolism includes laughter and happiness, good luck, nurturing, bonding, emotional stability, unlikely pairings, romantic love, travel, purification and transformation, intuition, and spiritual ascension.

Flip Flap Floodle gave me the hope to Never Give Up on myself. If you are needing a little encouragement, visit a pond near your home and see if there are any ducks there. Search the internet for images of ducklings to make you smile. Of course, one of my favorite children’s books is “Make Way for Ducklings” by Robert McCloskey.  In his story, But with a little help from the Boston police, Mrs. Mallard and Jack, Kack, Lack, Nack, Ouack, Pack, and Quack arrive safely at their new home.  

Visit a church and sit in quiet and ask God for help. Call a friend. Ask if they have an animal that inspires them. Hearing that others have made it, helps encourage each of us that we can make it, too.

Thank you, God, for all the people and animals you created. There are far too many to name here.

Thank you, ducks for helping us to know that like you, we can just let things slide down your back like raindrops.

Thank you for reading my article. You give me many reasons to smile. Please leave a comment. I enjoy hearing what you think about my writing and my stories. Share an animal that inspired and/or encouraged you.

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 Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards, Author
Copyright © 2009-2024 Joan Y. Edwards

Flip Flap Floodle. Firebird Book Award Winner. Will this little duck’s song save him from Mr. Fox?

Purchase Flip Flap Floodle on Amazon.



8 thoughts on “Happy 20th Anniversary, Flip Flap Floodle!”

  1. It’s all in the timing, Joan. I think your duck story came along at just the right time. But, still, I can’t believe twenty years! Wow!

    1. Dear Gretchen,
      Thank you very much. You are right. The timing does seem like it was a Goldilocks moment for Flip Flap Floodle to be published in 2024. It WAS just right.

      I hope you continue to soar as an author with many, many books about people everyone would be lucky to know.

      Never Give Up

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