Gratitude Rocks

My friend, Linda Gutheil shared an audio recording of The Secret in 2009. It intrigued me and caught my fancy. Why? Because it reflected many beliefs I held from my study of positive thoughts and thinking in abundance that began in 1987.

Later in 2009, my late husband, Carl, and I watched The Secret movie on DVD. He liked it so I bought him a copy of the book, The Secret  written by Rhonda Byrne. Through the years Carl and I watched the movie many times. Each time we learned something that we could use to help us live with less stress.

When we first watched it, Carl told me, “That’s what you’ve always told me.” That made me smile.

One of Carl’s favorite things he learned was the importance of thankfulness.

The more thankful you are for things, people, money, ideas, good health, the more you get. It sets you off to get more of something when you say thank you.

I had a traumatic experience when I was sixteen because I didn’t say “Thank you”  and didn’t show appreciation for something. So its been a personal thing of mine to tell God and his people, “Thank you.”

Lee Brower tells in the Secret DVD that he picked up a rock from a river close to his house. He put it in his pocket. Each time he touched it he said, “I am so thankful for … (and named what he was thankful for in his life).”

I think this gratitude rocks are a great way to remind you and me to be thankful.

Carl and I both liked rocks and collected a few from souvenir shops here and there. Considering them gratitude rocks made them even more meaningful to us. He chose one and carried it in his pocket. I put one at my computer, in my car, and in my pocketbook.

Lee Brower tells in the movie that a friend of his from South Africa visited his home one day. Lee’s rock for thankfulness dropped out of his pocket. His friend asked him, “What is that?”

Lee said, “It’s a rock. When I put it in my pocket in the morning, I say “Thank you for something that means a lot to me. When I touch it during the day, I say thank you for something else or the same thing. At night when I take the rock out of my pocket, I say thank you again.

His friend said, “Oh, it’s a Gratitude Rock.”

That man called Lee from South Africa a few weeks later and asked him to send him three Gratitude Rocks  His son was sick with a life-threatening disease and needed an operation.  Lee sent him three rocks from the river banks close to his house. His friend called him later and told him that people in his community had sold lost of Gratitude Rocks and raised enough money for his son to have the operation. The operation was successful and his son survived.

I know with different things that are going on in our world today, we all need more positive ideas floating around in our minds.  I hope that by reading this post, it helps you fill your mind with thankfulness for the people, things, and ideas that give you peace and joy. It is my hope that God, your creator, fills your life with meaning, an abundance of all you need, feelings of well-being, and experiences that make you smile and fill your heart with joy beyond measure.

Please leave a comment. Share what you are thankful for.  I am thankful for you. You help me survive. Thank you.

Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards, Author
Copyright © 2009-2020 Joan Y. Edwards

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12 thoughts on “Gratitude Rocks”

  1. I heard that story of the gratitude rock, around 35 years ago, and have used it a couple of times in my talks and lessons in Church. I even posted it again on Facebook recently under #GiveThanks. I’m glad others have heard of the story and are keeping it alive.

    1. Dear Helgi,
      I am so glad that you wrote me. Thanks for leaving your comment. That’s great that you heard Lee Brower’s story about gratitude rocks 35 years ago. Wow! I am honored to share this story with others. I’m glad you share this with others. I love to share things with others that inspire me in the hope that it may inspire them, too. I hope you’ll consider subscribing to my blog.

      Do something fun for you before midnight!
      Never Give Up

  2. Thanks for the information Joan.
    I agree positivity can and does help in situations. When faced with a mountain to climb which appears daunting. Saying I can’t climb that, you won’t. Saying I can is the first step. One of the eastern philosophy’s teaches, ‘that even the longest journey begins with a single step.’
    We all have things to be sad and happy about, but don’t let the sad overcome the happiness, or it will drag you down.

    1. Dear David,
      Thank you very much for subscribing to my blog and leaving a comment. You’re welcome for the information about the Gratitude Rocks. You are right. Positivity does help in situations where a mountain seems daunting. Saying I can splits the job in half, right? The Eastern Philosophy works well. Taking one step is a big pull towards getting the job complete. I’m dealing with sadness now and I am trying my best to have happiness overcome that sadness. You are helping me by being here. Thanks.

      Never Give Up

    1. Dear Melanie,
      Thank you for writing. Thanks for being my friend. You’re right. Many times life gets rolling and we forget to say thank you. We take what we have and may forget to thank the people who mean a lot to us. When we thank others I believe it helps them stack up their feelings of self-worth.

      Do something fun for you before midnight!
      Never Give Up

  3. Joan,
    Gratitude rocks–simple reminders to be grateful. I’m so glad we share a friendship that has helped us through lows that would have been hard to handle without a good friend. We’ve been blessed to celebrate highs together too. I am definitely grateful for our friendship! I keep a few favorite rocks close at hand too.

    1. Dear Linda,
      Thanks for writing. Thanks for being my friend since August 2005. 15 years! That is wonderful and amazing! It is an honor to be your friend.

      Do something fun for you before midnight!
      Never Give Up

  4. Joshua 4:20 They carried with them the twelve rocks that they had taken from the Jordan River, and Joshua set them up at Gilgal. 21 Then Joshua told the Israelites, “In the future your children will ask you, ‘What do these rocks mean?’ 22 Tell them, ‘These rocks help us remember the way the people of Israel crossed the Jordan River on dry land.’ 23 The Lord your God caused the water in the Jordan River to stop flowing so that you could cross it on dry land—just as the Lord had stopped the water at the Red Sea so that we could cross it on dry land. 24 The Lord did this so that all the people in this country would know that he is very powerful. Then they will always be afraid of the Lord your God.”
    Thanking God that he is faithful to all generations!

    1. Dear Annamarie,
      Thank you very much for writing. It is great to hear from you. I am very thankful that you shared the Joshua scripture about the twelve rocks they took from the Jordan River. It is good to be thankful. I love your fun spirit.

      Never Give Up

  5. Dear Joan,
    Sorry, my response is so late to this blog;
    I loved it! I have The Secret on Amazon Prime to watch,it’s the 2020 version though. I’m looking foward to watching it now that I know how good it is.
    Thank you for sharing “The Secret”

    1. Dear June,
      Thank you for writing. It is so good to hear from you. I’m glad you loved the article about Gratitude Rocks. So glad you’re going to watch the Secret! You are welcome for my sharing it. It is my pleasure to share things I believe will help people survive!

      LOVE YOU
      Never Give Up

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