Category Archives: Spiritual

Celebrate Your Efforts

“Celebrate Your Efforts” by Joan Y. Edwards

I feel it is important to celebrate your efforts at accountability for your project. Minute by minute. Hour by hour. Day by day. Week by week. Month by Month. Year by year.
If you celebrate your efforts often, it will help you accomplish more of your goals. It will lead you farther down the path to completion of your project.  It will help you get back to work again with fervor and excitement. It will help you work with enthusiasm.
By celebrating, I mean an inner celebration. More of celebrating by fixing your favorite dessert or putting fifty cents in a jug for charity or a trip to your favorite restaurant or watch your favorite movie. I don’t mean bragging to everyone how great you are. It’s the inner person I want to help you build up. The inner you that sometimes your inner critic cuts you down because you aren’t accomplishing what he thinks you should do.
Since this is Accountability Friday, I am celebrating completing the second week of working 2 hours a day (10 hours a week) on the illustrations for my upcoming book, Larry the Terrifying Turkey. I have finished last page draft and have draft for the lunch room scene. It is fun to say to people who call and ask me what I am doing, “I am working on my illustrations for Larry, the Terrifying Turkey.”
I hope you can pretend I’m calling you and asking you what you are doing and your answer is, “I’m working on my project I chose for my Accountability Corner!”
Hip Hip Hooray! Let’s celebrate together!
If you haven’t done anything yet, reward yourself for pondering it and getting closer. Get your needed supplies. Get your ideas. Ask God to help you. He wants you to get your projects finished, too. The way to get them finished is to start doing them. Celebrate your beginning! Celebrate you! You are awesome. You can do it. If you need help brainstorming or want to chat by email about your project, feel free tell me in a comment or  write me at I am praying for you! I believe you can do it.
Resources about celebration:
1.  “20 Ways to Celebrate Your Writing Talents:”
 “155 Ways to Reward Yourself for Reaching Goals:”
“Celebrate You:”
4. “Enthusiasm Is the Key to Success:”
5. “
Focus Your Time and Rewards Your Accomplishments: Especially the Small Ones:”


Accountability Corner Posts to help you be more accountable to striving towards those projects you’ve put on the back burner.
1. “Accountability Corner”
2. “Accountability Corner – Step 2 – Project Ideas
3. “Accountability Corner – Step 3 – Your Weekly Project Plan:”
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards, Author
Copyright © 2009-2023 Joan Y. Edwards

 Flip Flap Floodle Firebird Book Award Winner Will this little duck’s song save him from Mr. Fox?
Joan’s Elder Care Guide Practical ways to help you and your elder survive.

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