Category Archives: Health

Enthusiasm Is the Key to Success

“Enthusiasm Is the Key to Success” by Joan Y. Edwards

You have enthusiasm when you show intense enjoyment, interest, and approval for your goals. You may have ups and downs in attempting a project or striving to reach a goal. Sometimes all you need is to give your enthusiasm a little boost.

You have had ups and downs in your life. 
Some people may have stated that you were a failure in a few areas. However, they didn’t elaborate on all the areas in which you do quite well. You may have to look for them and supply this list of good things yourself.

Yes, you may become depressed for a short amount of time. Then, you discover something that makes you enthusiastic about it.  It makes you feel playful, gives you high-energy, optimistic, and you think up new ideas to help you succeed. You look for solutions to the problems that show up.

Let’s say you are a teacher and you haven’t gotten rave reviews. So you study different techniques to make your teaching better or that help you teach in such a manner that others perceive you as being a great teacher. 

Many of you may have been taught not to question those in authority. You may have to learn to speak up for yourself. You must say to yourself, “I may not do it their way, but my way still works.”

Some people may declare themselves as failures if they lose a job. Don’t do that. Chances are you may be in the wrong job or you need more training in the job you have. You may need to build a better belief system with education and loving yourself.

If you want to be a published author, be enthusiastic about your chances to be published. No matter how much the odds are against you. You are the key force in obtaining the publication of your story, your book, your screenplay. If you lose your belief that it can and will happen, you lose your enthusiasm. The belief and enthusiasm are tied together. If you seem to lack enthusiasm, check your belief system. Chances are, someone or something has tampered with it and destroyed a bit of it. It seems to me that if someone shakes your belief system, it is like a tower of blocks. Pull one block out and all of them go tumbling down. 

Believe in yourself. No matter what you’re doing. Believe in you. If you’re a dishwasher learn to be the best dishwasher in town.
In some situations, you may take things too personally.  However with support from family and coworkers, you may realize that what others say is not necessarily the truth, it’s only their opinion. Opinions are not always facts. 

Winston Churchill was a very wise man. He said, “Success Is Going from Failure to Failure with No Loss of Enthusiasm.” You have to find enthusiasm every day to continue to work toward your goals, to live happy. You have to believe you’ve got what it takes, even when others don’t.

Love yourself. Look for the good in you. Educate yourself to build your skills. Take opportunities to expand your horizons beyond your comfort zone. Don’t blame someone else for your failures. Realize this experience does not define how strong you are.  You can improve. Realize that you have many strengths. Take advantage of them. Improve your weaknesses so that they will not hurt you.

Bloom where you are planted. 
Celebrate each day. Celebrate each step you take to improve your situation. Celebrate each step you take to improve your attitude and your enthusiasm. Believe in you. You are a success.

Thank you for reading this article. I wish you success in all your endeavors. If I can help you, let me know. God will help you. Ask him.  Please leave a comment. I love hearing from those who read my blog.


INeedMotivation. “10 Ways to Have Amazing Enthusiasm:”

Joan Y. Edwards. “10 Paths to Inner Peace.:”

Thank you to subscriber David Parle for suggesting this resource: Arnold Swarzenagger. Video. “I Hate Plan B:”

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Joan Y. Edwards, Author
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