All posts by Joan Y Edwards

Joan Y. Edwards is author/illustrator of folktale Flip Flap Floodle, a happy little duck who never gives up on his song even in the Mr. Fox's belly. She is author of 4RV Publishing's Joan's Elder Care Guide. It is full of practical hints and resources to promote healing and make caregiving easier. She has published 80 Gospel-Based Crossword Puzzles for Year A, B, and C. She has a Master of Education. She is a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) and Charlotte Writers Club. She enjoys watching humorous mysteries, like Columbo and Monk. Time at home, beach and mountain with family and friends energizes her..

Is Writing Your Passion? Part 2

Is Writing Your Passion? Copyright 2018 Joan Y. Edwards

“Is Writing Your Passion? Part 2” by Joan Y. Edwards

Is writing your passion? How can you tell?

If writing’s your passion, you might do the following:

  1. Stay up late reading a book
  2. Watch people wherever you are
  3. Watch movies of the same genre that you like to write
  4. Write something every day – even if it’s only a list

“Why do you like to write?”

  1. If I don’t write, it’s hard to breathe.
  2. Telling a story isn’t enough; I have to write it down.
  3. I write because it’s fun to relive or imagine  experiences using different points of view.
  4. I like to see characters come alive on the paper.

What are your reasons for writing?

I know you’ve heard reasons for writing. I want to hear your reasons for writing. Please share in the comment area. I’ll add them with your name if you give me permission in the comment.

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Joan Y. Edwards
Copyright 2018 Joan Y. Edwards
Flip Flap Floodle
Joan’s Elder Care Guide
80 Gospel-Based Crossword Puzzles for Year B