All posts by Joan Y Edwards

Joan Y. Edwards is author/illustrator of folktale Flip Flap Floodle, a happy little duck who never gives up on his song even in the Mr. Fox's belly. She is author of 4RV Publishing's Joan's Elder Care Guide. It is full of practical hints and resources to promote healing and make caregiving easier. She has published 80 Gospel-Based Crossword Puzzles for Year A, B, and C. She has a Master of Education. She is a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) and Charlotte Writers Club. She enjoys watching humorous mysteries, like Columbo and Monk. Time at home, beach and mountain with family and friends energizes her..

I Am a Certified Scriptreader!

“I Am a Certified Scriptreader” by Joan Y. Edwards

Script University offered a course in Scriptreading  Certification. I took it from August 13, 2020 until October 8, 2020. Our instructor was Brian O’Malley.

I thought by learning to be a scriptreader, I would learn how to improve the two screenplays I wrote, plus have a new way to make money.

I learned what happens to a script in a film studio based on what a script reader says about a script.

I learned the correct formatting for screenplays that is accepted by the movie industry.

I learned how to write a good synopsis.

I learned how to analyze a script’s logline, concept, plot, structure, setting,  character, and dialogue.

I learned how to give my honest objective opinion and ways to improve the script without being biased or expressing personal whims.

I learned how to get a job as a script reader. I created a sample cover letter, resumé, and two script evaluations. For my script evaluations, I chose My Cousin Vinny and Romance in the Outfield: Double Play.

I learned that screenplay contests use scriptreaders. I may apply at one of the contests.

Brian O’Malley from Script University gave great feedback on each lesson.

If you have a screenplay you would like for me to evaluate, email me at

My charge right now is $75.00.  This includes a line-by-line notes and a grading sheet with 100 points possible score.

Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards, Author
Copyright © 2009-2020 Joan Y. Edwards

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