“What Shoes Would Your Main Character Wear?” by Joan Y. Edwards
Thank you, Jennifer Larson for your clever new picture book, “Lost Soles” in which Flip and Flop go on a trip to the beach to protect a little boy’s feet from the hot sand. On the way back to the car, Flip bounces out of the beach cart and is left behind. How sad! You’ll have to read it to find out if Flip and Flop get back together again.
This fun book brought me to the following questions for the characters in your stories:
What shoes would your main character wear?
Which shoes would your main character never wear?
Which shoes would lead your main character into the depths of danger?
Which shoes would lead them into a role of a hero or heroine?
Which shoes would your main character refuse to purchase because of the price?
Which shoes would your main character purchase because of the price?
Would your main character wear laces or Velcro?
Would your main character Nike, Reebok, or a nondescript name brand?
Which color shoes will your main character usually wear?
Which color shoes will your main character never wear?
Under what circumstances would your main character wear stilettos?
Under what circumstances would your main character wear hip boot?
Do your main character’s shoes make noises that add to the tone and suspense of the story? Tap, Stomp, Squeak?
Are your main character’s shoes like stealth bombers? So quiet you don’t hear the main character enter a scene?
Under what circumstances would your main character wear an old pair of shoes with holes in them?
Would your main character prefer to go barefooted and just decorate his or her foot?
I hope you enjoyed this walk through questions about your character and the shoes he would or wouldn’t wear. Please leave a comment telling me which shoes your favorite shoes or shoes you would never wear. Thanks for reading my blog.
Celebrate you.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Copyright © 2014-2019 Joan Y. Edwards
Main Character Series with Questions and Pictures to Spur Your Imagination
Mine would wear flip flops, of course!
Or maybe stilettos, cowboy boots, loafers, or even sneakers.
What a cute blog, Joan. Shoes do say a lot about a character and his/her personality. Thanks a bunch for sharing!
Dear Jennifer, Thank you for writing. You’re right, your characters would probably wear Flip Flops. I love your characters, Flip and Flop. You’re right, shoes do say a lot about a character and his/her personality. You’re welcome for my sharing.
Celebrate you
Never Give Up
Well, this is an interesting post…never though of all those shoes unless they’re going on my feet. Thanks…got me thinking!
Dear Mona,
Thanks for writing and for your compliment. I’m glad I got you thinking. Thoughts bring wonderful ideas!
Celebrate you
Never Give Up
Loved this blog, Joan. Very creative–and will make me think more! Thanks for the pix too.
Dear Carol,
Thanks for writing. I’m glad you loved this blog post. Thanks for the compliment about it being very creative and made you start thinking about your characters shoes and perhaps your own. You are welcome for the pictures. I downloaded them from http://www.morguefile.com. They are free to use. I like to give them credit so that others will know where to get some awesome pictures. Thanks again for writing.
Celebrate you
Enjoy your shoes
Never Give Up
Great question, Joan.
Mine would wear wing tips, spit polished and shined to perfection because as a child, he had to make do stuffing cardboard to cover the holes in the soles, and soles barely attached.
Dear Sandra,
Thanks for writing. Great description of the shoes your character would wear and why. Why is what pulls your readers into your story. Awesome. Great hearing from you.
Never Give Up
The MC in my WIP would wear bedroom shoes–some sort of animal ones, but nothing pink. In my adult project, the MC would wear tennis shoes or comfy casuals, and sometimes socks only.
What a great exercise and lots of fun to think about. Nice of you to spotlight Jennifer Larson too. Lots of cool pictures.
Dear Linda,
Thank you for writing. Children love to wear animal bedroom slippers. Hmm…nothing pink means perhaps it’s a boy main character. Glad that your main character in your adult project enjoys wearing comfy shoes or just socks.
Thank you for the compliment about this being a great exercise and lost of fun to ponder. It was my pleasure to spotlight, Jennifer Larson. She is a jewel.
Celebrate you and your writing!
Never Give Up
Joan, So great to learn more about Jennifer Larson’s book! I like the way you tied it to our characters in our writing-what shoes would they like to wear-definitely can give us another way to form our character’s personality. Even before I needed my cane, I could never wear stilettos-I am way too klutzy for that
Dear Kathleen,
Thanks for writing. I’m glad you liked the way I tied it to what kind of shoes our main characters would wear according to his/her personality. I’m glad to hear you’re like me. As characters, we could be so afraid of heights that we’d never wear stilettos.
So excited about your new contract to get “Cherry Blossom” historical fiction book published! Yee Haw for you!
Never Give Up
Cute post, Joan! My MC Josie wears big, clunky cowboy boots. And Glory wears scuffy high tops. It is funny how we know what shoes our characters wear! = )
Dear Becky,
Thanks for writing. I’m glad you think this was a cute post. It’s great that you already know what kind of shoes Josie and Glory wear. Which shoes would they never wear? Sometimes you know that, too!
Celebrate you,
Never Give Up