“Turtles Listen” by Joan Y. Edwards
I love to see the turtles in the pond on Tybee Island, Ga. They listen and come to me when I talk. Turtles listen.
Ten years ago, when my husband, Carl and I first visited Tybee Island, we stayed in a house near a pond. We walked across a bridge that led to a beach area. I noticed these tiny little turtle heads popping up at the top of the water. I said to Carl, “Look at the little turtles!”
I started talking to them. I talk to all animals. Not all animals respond to my voice. However, these turtles seemed to listen and they came over to where Carl and I were standing on the bridge.

Each time we go, it’s the same experience. When we talk, the turtles listen and come close to us. They swim over to us like we are singers on stage or preachers at church. When I ask Carl to talk to them to see what happens, they continue to come and hang out with us in a semi-circle formation.
When I go to the other side of the bridge at the far side of the pond, the turtles on that side come to listen. The other turtles stay to hear Carl. This year I noticed when Carl and I both went to the other side of the bridge, the turtles from the first side were swimming over to that side to join us, but we were leaving.

We have been there 5 times. Each time it fills me with joy! This year some of them came way up on the bank and if we had been able to get down there with them, we probably would have been able to pet them on the top of their shells. I sang “You Are My Sunshine” and “Jesus Loves Me” to them.

Many people have told me that they have been to ponds with turtles in them. Some have noticed they listen when you speak. Some say they come only when you feed them. However, we don’t feed them and they come to hear what we have to say. If you are ever at a pond with turtles in it. Speak to them and see what happens.
These turtles get to see beautiful sunsets every evening like this!

Getting in tune with nature is healing. A gift from God. I look for and receive healing from God in many ways. This is one I especially am grateful for.
If you’re a writer, this might inspire you to write. If you’re an artist, it might inspire you to paint. If you’re a photographer, it may entice you to take a picture or two. May you find little things around you to fill you with joy.
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Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards, Author
Copyright © 2018 Joan Y. Edwards
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I love interacting with animals in nature too. Your post made me smile.
Dear Julie,
Thank you very much for writing a comment. Please share one of your animal adventures with me. I’d love to hear about your animal interactions!
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Good morning, Joan.
I also love turtles. I was able to watch a Loggerhead lay her eggs on Edisto Beach a number of years ago. She had just started digging her nest. We stood motionless for an hour and a half and she laid over a hundred eggs. Then she made a slow stroll back into ocean. I used this experience in my first novel, Seven Days to Goodbye.
Thanks for sharing your video. They really seemed to like your voices!
Dear Sheri,
Thank you for reading my blog and leaving me comments. It feels good knowing that we’re both intrigued with turtles! I saw baby sea turtles hatch, but have never witnessed the sacred laying of the eggs! What a wonder-filled experience!
Never Give Up
I’m so glad visiting and talking and singing with the turtles brings you pleasure and joy. Such close interaction is very special indeed. It’s great that you and Carl visit as often as you can.
I have enjoyed watching wildlife cross my back yard in Fayetteville, NC for 40 years. It never gets old. My most recent sighting was of a wild turkey.
Dear Linda,
Thank you for writing. Thank you for being glad that Carl and I enjoy visiting with the pond turtles! They definitely give meaning to our lives. I’m glad that you also enjoy your encounters with nature in Fayetteville and wherever you happen to be.
Never Give Up