Lost and Found by Joan Y. Edwards, Copyright © 2021
Hello. It’s good to see you.
I hope you’re doing well.
I hope you’re safe and free from harm.
I hope your smile is big.
I don’t know where to turn.
I don’t know where to go.
I can’t find the familiar
Of long, long ago.
I want to live a long time.
I want to do God’s will.
I seem to be lost in the world
Just standing still.
My spunk has disappeared.
My drive is hidden.
My life seems to be on hold.
The valley got deeper.
What am I waiting for?
Why aren’t I going?
Where is my map?
Where am I going?
God is my source.
He usually sends me word.
His words are lost
Behind this shield of my humanity.
I must have a purpose.
I am still here on earth.
Are you lost, too?
I see lost people on my path.
Ah, yes. That’s where I met you.
On my earthly path.
You asked me, “Where am I going?
What is God’s plan for me?”
I answer boldly, “Let’s find out together.
Will you come with me?
We will turn this way and that.
We will climb up hills and slide down.
We will make it through this life
Because of the love
That we’ve shared with each other
During fun times and sad times on this earth.”
What??? You’ll come with me.
That makes me very happy.
My path is clear now.
Like a sunrise, it is bright and shining the way for you and me.
We were lost but now have been found.
Each day we will face the fun times and sad times together.
It is easier when we do things together.
At the end of the day, God will be happy with us.

I hope you enjoyed my poem.
I wrote this a while back.
I’m feeling better now since I know you’re here with me and I’m not alone.
Perhaps you’re like me and have felt this way.
Have you ever felt lost? Like you were heading to a goal, but then something happened to stop you. You begin to disbelieve everything your strengths were founded on. You seem to be floundering around in the water.
I hope that you found what you were looking for. I hope you discovered that God will show you what he wants you to do. Sometimes he wants us to lean on him a little. he wants us to recognize what we are already doing for him. He whispers in your ear, thank you.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards, Author
Copyright © 2009-2021 Joan Y. Edwards
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