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“God’s Ten Second Rule” by Joan Y. Edwards
Bill McBrearty, a childhood friend of mine, and his wife, Michele treated me to supper when they stayed overnight in Pineville on the way to Florida. I asked them what helped them stay together all these years. Bill said, “I can make her laugh.” Then he said, “Michele, you need to tell her about the “Ten Second Rule.”
Michele said, “One time they were shouting at each other. She got so angry she went outside.
This voice within her said, “What if you had 10 seconds to live. Would that make a difference in your response?” She kept walking. That voice said again, “If you had 10 seconds to live would you think differently? Tell him you love him.”
Michele went back into the living room and stood in front of Bill who sat on the couch. She said, “I love you.” and walked back out again.
I told Michele. “That was God talking to you, wasn’t it?”
Michele said, “Yes, it was.”
And it paved the way for them to forgive and get along for many years..

So I share this with you in case there are times when you get so angry with someone you love that you don’t know what to do. Remembering “The Ten Second Rule” may help you see things in a different light. You may be able to get the words,
“I love you” to come out. And that will make a difference.
Please feel free to thank Michele and Bill for sharing this with me and for giving me permission to share this here on my blog.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards, Author
Copyright © 2009-2021 Joan Y. Edwards
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