Image Props for Stories #7 Pay Phone, Blue Wildflowers, and Fast-Moving River

“Props for Stories #7 Pay Phone, Blue Wildflowers, and Fast-Moving River”


Here are three props: Pay Phone, Blue Wildflowers, and Fast-Moving River. You can add them to one manuscript or use to give more life to your characters in several stories. I hope you enjoy using them. Here’s are key words for a paragraph or first page: abandoned, lost, afraid, danger, tent, campground, broken, blue, fast-moving, fire, only a few hours left, coyote, and kitten.


I hope you see how using props adds interest to a story. It gives your characters something to fiddle with. These props will put images in your mind to help describe a character and what he cares about or despises.

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Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards

Copyright © 2012 Joan Y. Edwards

Writing, Inspiration