“Often Misused or Misspelled Words” by Joan Y. Edwards
It is frustrating to read an article and see words misused or misspelled. However, it does happen, even to the best of us. You find them when you are editing your work. Here are a couple of exercises and few links to help you discover a few words to look out for:
Here is a short paragraph with 10 misused and misspelled words. Can you find them?
Exercise 1 – Find the misused words and correct them.
Betty ran down the street to the capital building.
Ronald could go accept he didn’t have his running shoes on.
Sarah emigrated into Italy.
Finding the child alive was the climatic time of the movie.
“Thank you for the complement, ” said Jeff.
Misused Words
“10 Most Commonly Misused Words” https://www.mic.com/articles/31309/10-most-commonly-misused-words
HitBullseye.com. “List of Confusing Words” https://www.hitbullseye.com/Vocab/List-Confusing-Words.php
Inc.com. “15 Misused Words That Make Smart People Look Silly:” https://www.inc.com/brian-de-haaff/15-misused-words-that-make-smart-people-look-silly.html
Touro Education. “Commonly Misused Words”
Exercise 2: Find the misspelled words and spell them correctly.
The zoo staff was excited to get a new giraff.
Mother made sourcrout for supper.
The flood caused a delima.
“Lier, lier, pants on fire,” is a children’s rhyme.
The little chiwawa barked mightily.
Most Misspelled Words
“100 Commonly Misspelled Words:” https://www.englishclub.com/spelling/misspellings.php
“Misspelled Words in the U.S.” https://www.daytranslations.com/blog/misspelled-words-in-us/
I hope this post added a smile to your face. Please leave a comment sharing a word you have misused or misspelled. I have misused, it’s and its.
Enjoy your day being yourself. It’s much better than pretending to be someone else.
Joan Y. Edwards. “Writing Errors – Commas, Misspellings, No Fatal Flaw Pet Words” https://joanyedwards.com/writing-errors-commas-misspellings-no-fatal-flaw-pet-words/