“Is Writing Your Passion?” by Joan Y. Edwards
Is writing your passion? How can you tell? Here’s proof that writing is your passion:
- It’s hard to breathe, if I don’t write.
- I have to write something every day – even if it’s only a list.
- Telling a story isn’t enough; I have to write it down.
- I stay up late reading books and decide how I could write it better.
- I watch people wherever I am and make mental notes for characters in my stories
- I watch many movies of the same genre that I like to write
- I visualize my manuscripts as New York Times best-selling novels.
What can you add? Please let me know in the comment area.
Thank you for celebrating with me!

Giveaway Complete.
Thank you to everyone for reading my blog and for your encouragement to me as a writer and illustrator.
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Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Copyright © 2018 Joan Y. Edwards
Flip Flap Floodle
Joan’s Elder Care Guide
80 Gospel-Based Crossword Puzzles for Year B
I wonder how I could retell my dream from last night as a novel that would make sense.
Dear Pam,
Thanks a bunch for writing. Write down your story outline from your dream. Decide which genre (children’s story, romance, mystery), write the story from beginning to end, and join a critique group of writers. Have them read and critique chapter by chapter after you’ve written it. Read over the Week 1, 2, 3, and 4. Submit to publishers or agents. Good luck. Believe in you and your story.
Never Give Up
I describe my need to write like an itch that must be scratched. Definitely a passion–why else would I do it?
Dear Carol,
Thank you for writing! I enjoyed reading that writing is such a passion for you that it is like an itch that must be scratched!
Good luck with all your writing endeavors!
Never Give Up
I ,can’t get phrases out of my head and have to wait for red lights to write them down. So, I keep repeating them as if I’m talking to myself, which I am. In the past, I had a recorder which started as soon as I talked. Now, where is that contraption? Oh, I mean tool.
Dear Sunnymay,
Thanks for writing! I love that you get words flying through your head that must be written down! I hope you find your recording contraption so that it will help you fill that passion of yours for writing when you are on the road or otherwise have your hands tied!
Good luck with your writing!
Never Give Up!
The joy of writing–what a gift, whether it’s for pleasure or profit. No need to be entered in the drawing, I just wanted to comment and support my writer friends.
Dear Linda,
Thank you for writing. You’re right. Writing is a gift! I’ll honor your request and not put your name in the hat to win a prize. Do something fun for you today!
Never Give Up
Hello. There were 4 people who left a comment before midnight June 18, 2018.
1. Pamela Bryson
2. Carol Baldwin
3. SunnyMay
4. Linda Gutheil (asked not to be added to the drawing)
Since I said there would be 3 winners, I don’t have to do a drawing. All three of these commenters win a choice of Joan’s Elder Care Guide or Flip Flap Floodle. I will contact them to discover their choice!
Thank you to everyone for reading my blog and for your encouragement to me as a writer and illustrator.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards