“I Missed You. Now I Have a New VPS Server!” by Joan Y. Edwards
Dear Subscribers and Visitors to my site:
It seems I had too many bots, sites, and people hitting on my site. So many hits that it caused my site and the other websites that were on the same server to crash. So they suspended it on September 12, 2022.
So to solve that problem: I paid for a (VPS) Virtual Private Server so that If I get a bunch of hits on my site, it will not make another person’s website crash. The pages and images load faster.
Bluehost installed the SSL – Security Certificate to guard visitors for free. When a site is secure, it has https in front of it. It also shows the little lock symbol to the left of my website name, joanyedwards.
Many sites send robots to spy on other sites. In the early days, Captcha phrases worked well at stopping robots. I hate captcha. I get flustered after 15 minutes trying to find an elephant in a series of pictures. I can hardly ever figure out the pictures and I evidently don’t do the hearing thing well, either. Now, they say Captcha phrases may not catch all the bots. So I am looking for a way to seamlessly get you to my posts without a captcha thing.

Celebrate the hard work that agents with Bluehost and I did to make this happen. Here are the steps we took.
1. Pay for the VPS server.
2. Buy new FTP software. Mine was 12 years old. Funny, old software couldn’t move the gz files generated now.
3. Check to make sure all files copied and moved. At first I was missing the theme. Then I was missing all the images. So I had to go back to old shared site files and download the missing files and upload them to new server.
4.Today Bluehost representative moved the joanyedwards.com domain to the new VPS server and added the lock SSL security certificate for it. Voila.
We were in business. Back to a new normal. Sounds like a movie, doesn’t it. I had all these crises and dilemmas. I didn’t realize this was going to happen. I had to invent a few new ways to inspire myself to keep going to get the site live again. I didn’t want to close down my site.
Please tell me if you can tell that the site loads faster and pictures load faster. Let me know if you have problems getting to the site. If you notice a page or picture is missing, let me know that, too.
When I reach 2 million visitors to my site, I am going to add another gift for subscribers. I have over 1,733,690 visitors now. I will also make it available to those who have already subscribed.
Are there any subjects you would like for me to write about for you? What inspires you? Poetry, songs, quotes, steps to goals?
Be thankful for what you have.
Ask for what you want.
Believe you’ll get everything you need.
Enjoy being you.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards, Author
Copyright © 2009-2022 Joan Y. Edwards
Flip Flap Floodle
Firebird Book Award Winner Will this little duck’s song save him from Mr. Fox?
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Practical ways to help you and your elder survive.
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I’m not sure if it loaded faster, but I am IMPRESSED you could navigate through all this. Better you than me!! Actually—I’m glad you learned it just in case I need to also!
Dear Carol,
Thank you for writing. I hope this does not happen to you or anyone else.
I am glad you had a great vacation. I hope it filled you with fun memories and a few ideas for writing.
Never Give Up
I’m glad you’re back up and running, Joan. It had to be frustrating for you.
I think the site loaded faster but can’t say for sure as I was opening other tabs at the same time as I was loading your blog.
Dear Melanie,
Thank you for writing. I’m glad it seemed faster even though you couldn’t prove it. It feels good for my website to be back up and running again. It definitely was very frustrating. I thought should I stop writing my blog. But the answer from inside me was “No..” I like being able to write things that might help people or make them laugh. So I kept on going.
Thanks for your encouragement.
Never Give Up
Aah, technology! Can’t do without it. I’m proud of you for working through this! Do you have any hair left after pulling it out in frustration? I wouldn’t.
Dear Gretchen,
Thank you very much for your understanding how totally frustrating this all was. I had to do a lot of positive thinking and trusting that I could get it back up with the help of the host providers. It’s amazing how long it takes to download files from a server and how long it takes to upload them by FTP to the new server. Hours upon hours upon hours. But now it is done. Thanking God and Bluehost Agents for helping me accomplish this feat.
Have a great day! Celebrate you.
Never Give Up