GOD WILL SHOW YOU HOW! Written by Mary L. Kupferle
Whatever you need to know or understand or do in this moment, dear friend, God will show you how. God will show you how to have more faith, patience, courage, wisdom, and strength. God will show you how to pray more effectively for yourself and for those you love. God will show you how to have greater control over your thoughts, words, emotions, and life.
Is there something you seek to accomplish that demands greater wisdom, than you feel you possess? God will show you how to handle any difficulty, surmount any challenge, and find any answers or solutions you have felt were beyond your grasp. Accept reassurance right now by declaring in faith, “God is showing me how!”
You need not listen for your Creator to shout divine directions in a commanding voice or blow a trumpet’s blast to catch your attention. Divine guidance most often comes in gentle movements as a still small voice within your mind, as a gentle nudge within your heart. Divine guidance may at times seem inconspicuous amid the noisy clamor of demanding situations confronting you, yet God will make His presence known. God will get a message through to you. God will show you how to listen, how to understand, and how to find your way.
Affirm repeatedly, God is showing me how. Build and rebuild this idea strongly within your thinking. Take it with you into the busiest day and follow-as obediently as you can – the smallest inner leading, the quietest inner bidding of love and wisdom. Especially when you least understand yourself, your moods, your reactions, or what is happening in your life, make a habit of telling yourself, “God is showing me how! Thank You, God, for showing me how!”
Your Father’s love for you, His offspring, is greater than any happening that has caused you to believe yourself not cared for or unworthy of His attention, guidance, and encouragement. Stand firmly upon the foundation saying, “God is showing me how!”
In the face of any persistent anxiety, rebellion, fear, disbelief, or unhappiness decree insistently, “God is showing me how!” With each declaration of this affirmative thought, you will find your confidence increasing. Learning, moment by moment, to listen within for the Father’s direction, you will hear more and more clearly the assurance for which you have longed.
A friend, past retirement age and in need of employment, shared recently how God had shown her how to receive the help she urgently needed. Holding fast to the faith that God’s love would guide her, she was led through a series of events to “a wonderful job, just what I wanted and more. Besides having all expenses paid, I receive a good salary every week. Only God could have worked things out so perfectly!”
Another friend said that God had shown him how to meet the disappointment over a delay in travel plans – a trip that he and his wife had looked forward to for over two years-and an unexpected financial loss. He wrote:
“From this experience came a firm commitment to: let go and let God and to know that God’s plans for us are even better than we can humanly picture. As a result, my wife and I were shown how to handle every detail with wisdom. The financial loss was recovered, and exciting new travel plans were set. We know God will be with us every moment, assuring a delightful experience!”
God is always showing you how to find the good in any challenge of life. He will continually show you how to grasp the best thoughts to think, the right prayer to pray, the most helpful attitude to assume, and the wisest oath to travel. The loving Father does not expect you to go through any experience of life without His help and support. He wants you to know that you did not come into this life alone, and to remember that you do not go through it alone. God is always with you, helping you surmount every challenge.
Jesus Christ gave to His followers clear and specific examples of the unlimited ways in which divine help comes. These examples, which are recorded in the Bible, are given to you, also. Today, He urges you to rely upon Him as a “good shepherd,” always at hand to protect and comfort His flock. He asks you to think of Him as a “door” that is always open to anyone willing to walk through into His ever-enfolding love. He is saying, in effect, “The Father and I will show you, always, how to find, accept, and experience every good you seek!”
By His own personal life example, His works and teachings, Jesus Christ continually shows you how to think as a child of God can think, how to live as a beloved child of God can live. He is reassuring you that the Father will show you how to do wisely and well anything required of you in this life. He is showing you, as the Father showed Him, how to move forward at the right time, how to quietly trust, how to constantly rely upon the Father’s love and direction.
If you feel critical of your ability to hear and understand God’s guidance, take heart, for some of the greatest leaders of all time felt the same. Moses questioned how he, feeling so incapable, could lead the Israelites to freedom. Yet, as he continued to pray, to listen, and to move forward, he found God was showing him how. Joshua doubted that he was wise enough to follow in Moses’ footsteps, yet he, too, was shown how, as he daily listened and did his consistent pest to “be strong and of good courage” (Deut. 31:6).
It is not always easy to persist in listening, in speaking positively, in praying with absolute conviction of your oneness with God when life’s challenges keep clamoring for attention. Pain is distracting, and so is anxiety about those you love. Because of such distractions, it is especially important to have a strong idea to affirm and reaffirm until your faith begins to speak louder than your misgivings. The words “God will show me how!” will serve this purpose and keep you centered, focused in the direction of healing, ready to receive your guidance, help, and other blessings.
If you find yourself becoming impatient because there seems to be no outward evidence of change, no indication of immediate improvement to your human eye, remember that every prayer is productive. Release all judgment regarding your efforts. Focus your attention upon knowing again and again. God is showing me how! You will find that whatever is best for your personal help and progress will be shown, and that good will result.
As an example of this, a friend wrote: “Things had finally come to a point of crisis; my life seemed to be totally out of control. I couldn’t eat, think, or pray, and finally decided to stop struggling. I didn’t try to meditate or pray about specifics. I just held onto the words ‘God is healing everything now.’ Miracles began coming through in less than twelve hours. It was as if everything quietly and peacefully fell into place! I am so very grateful to God for this astounding experience, for His showing me how to do my part so He could do His the better!”
Jesus Christ indicated clearly by His own words and actions that there were many different ways of communicating with the Father. Jesus often prayed by listening quietly within. As other times He spoke aloud, powerfully, the words that were needed to catch the attention of those who were held in a habit of disbelief. Again, He was often gentle and patient in helping His followers learn how to accept their healing, supply, or security. He was constantly showing how to communicate, express, and receive responses from the Father.
In using the idea God is showing me how! I have found that needs were met quickly. These words have brought a greater feeling of release regarding con¬cern over those dear to me, and have been a simple tool to use in any urgent need for guidance and courage.
“Thank you, God, for showing me how!” has also helped me to understand that so-called dry or unproductive periods are but forerunners of the greatest and best fulfillment. When I thought human hesitancy and feelings of inade¬quacy were hindering or delaying my good, I found the Father was in reality helping me during that time into greater strength, faith, and understanding. God is, indeed, always showing us how!
Remembering this will deepen and quicken your own faith, dear friend, and awaken you to a new awareness of your true oneness with the Father. It will help you to realize that you are a spiritual child of the Most High, with the same potentials as expressed by the One who proved that every “Gethsemane” is but a door to new life, to resurrection of the divinity within.
Take hold now, my friend, of this simple way of attuning yourself to your Father’s plan of good for you. Let His wisdom show you how to accept it. His love will enfold you in a manner you cannot humanly imagine. His peace will manifest itself within your heart without any need to understand how it can be so. God will reveal His processes of healing, even now, as you quietly turn to Him with the words, Thank You, Father, for showing me how!
The clouds will lift. Your feelings of aloneness will fade, and you will be warmed and comforted anew. Your fears of change and your apprehensions over demands, loss, or the future will give way to courage and assurance. You will find that nothing can prevent the Father from showing you how to accept your good.
Let go and let His love enfold you. Your Father cares for you and is showing you how!
This was written by Mary L. Kupferle
Titles of Books Written by Mary L. Kupferle
- “God Will See You Through”
- “God Never Fails”
- “Your Help Is at Hand”
- “Trust in the Goodness of God”
Thank you for reading my blog.
Never Give Up
Live with Enthusiasm
Celebrate Each Step You Take
Joan Y. Edwards
Copyright © 2016 Joan Y. Edwards
Posted December 7, 2009 by Joan Y. Edwards
Updated June 22, 2021
Yes, God is showing me how! This was lovely, Joan. I’m glad God inspired the author and you to share this.
Dear Linda,
Thanks for writing.It’s amazing how God shows us how to do things and get things done.
May God send you special blessings today.
Never Give Up
God is showing me how not to be hurt by people I thought were my friends; and not to retaliate with anger and resentment to them. Especially La Lo Edward!!! Thanks Dennis of San Diego, California
Dear Dennis,
I understand what you’re saying. It’s hard sometimes to completely forgive someone. Sometimes I think I’ve forgiven them and when I remember the event, I get angry all over again and have to go through the Forgiveness Tunnel again. The anger we carry around with us does more harm to us bey harboring it than in forgiving and letting it go knowing that God will replenish all that was lost and make things work out better than you ever imagined.
I love Mary L. Kupgerle’s God Will Show You How talk. She explains it so well that it fills you with the belief that God will definitely show us how.
Celebrate you.
Never Give Up