Ear Plugs to Block Your Inner Critic

“Ear Plugs to Block the Inner Critic” by Joan Y. Edwards

Be aware of things that can harm your hearing. Sounds above 85 decibels is harmful to your hearing according to Dangerous Decibels.org:.

If you’re riding in a plane, take out your earplugs when you’re first going up or when you’re landing to avoid too much pressure in your ears.

You can add ear plugs, ear muffs, or ear phones, but no matter how much protection you have for the outside noises, I haven’t seen one to block the negative inner voice. I’m sure that mine reach more than the 85 decibels at times.

Sometimes you have to be rude to him and tell him to shut up. Tell him to go outside and cool off a little. Sometimes you have to tell him that he may have been right years ago, but that things have changed. Tell him that you’re not afraid of what fills this inner voice with fear. Ask him to help you get where you want to go. Accept that what this voice may be warning you of things that might really happen. Tell him it’s okay. If it happens, you can handle it. This will keep what you fear from happening. What you’re afraid of and focus on, you will attract. Focus on what will get you to your goal. See a picture in your mind of you reaching your goal. Educate yourself and take steps to insure that you get there.

If your inner critic tells you that you can’t do something, say, “You may be right, however, I am doing this, this, and this to make sure I can get to this. Ask this inner critic to tell you other obstacles and help you find ways over or around them.

I love the story of Buddy, the first seeing eye dog https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morris_Frank that I read in a Life book that I can’t locate online.  Morris Frank was the blind man being led around by Buddy. A group of people wanted to demonstrate how Buddy could go through and over obstacles to get Morris safely to the other side. Morris and Buddy were at the back of the auditorium. Buddy was watching them in the middle of the aisle setting up all these barriers to overcome to get Morris onstage.

At the time to show off, Buddy outsmarted these people. Instead of going down the center aisle where every path was blocked, Buddy took Morris Frank up the left side aisle straight up the steps and onstage. Everyone laughed and knew that Buddy was indeed smart.

Another story I like to tell about Buddy was when Morris Frank had pushed a button to call an elevator to his hotel floor. Buddy lay in front of him and wouldn’t let him move. He started fussing at Buddy. One of the workers at the hotel came up behind him and told him, “Sir, don’t move. Don’t push your dog out of the way. You’re right. The elevator doors opened. However, there is no elevator car there. If you went forward you would fall several stories to your death. This dog of yours has saved your life.”

The words may have been different from in the book, but the meaning is the same.

Anyhow, what I want to tell you is that sometimes this inner voice may be telling you something to watch out for. It is calling you to investigate, to educate yourself, to inspire yourself to overcome any obstacles. Find a way to reach your goals. Ask your inner critic for ways that would work. If he’s still telling you things that are no longer true or have never been true, retrain his voice. Tell him that it’s not true any more. Give your inner critic a new response. Fill your mind with positive thoughts. Fill your mind with positive sayings. Fill your life with thankfulness and possibilities.

Read the following articles to help you block the negative words of your inner critic. In this way you will be making the ear plugs necessary to block your inner critic or retrain him with new word:

Sharon Good. “The Inner Critic:” http://talentdevelop.com/articles/innercritic.html

Thank you for reading my blog.

Please let me know what methods you use to quiet your inner critic.

Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards

Copyright 2012 © Joan Y. Edwards and Her Licensors.

6 thoughts on “Ear Plugs to Block Your Inner Critic”

    1. Dear Widdershins,
      Thanks for writing and telling us that it is tricky knowing when to listen and when to tell them to take a hike.
      Celebrate your wisdom.
      Never Give Up
      Joan Y. Edwards

  1. Joan,
    I was thinking you could tell your inner voice that you’ve got this one. Why not treat him to a vacation for the duration of this project. He seems to be needing some time away.

    1. Dear Linda, I like your idea of sending my inner voice on a vacation! Cool, he’ll love the Bahamas! Thanks for writing. Celebrate you today!

      Dream! Love! Laugh! Never Give Up Joan Y. Edwards

  2. My inner critic is usually quiet… not because she isn’t there but (I suspect) because she is lazy. If I do something totally egregious, she mutters, “Really, do you have to?” at which point I pause, reflect, redo, or ignore. After 72 years, my inner critic is a pretty cool cat.

    1. Dear Maureen, Your words bring laughter to my soul. Seems like you’ve got your inner critic tamed. I loved the “Really, do you have to?” line. Thanks for writing. Do something to celebrate your sense of humor.

      Dream! Love! Laugh! Never Give Up Joan Y. Edwards

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