Category Archives: Spiritual

Accountability Corner – Step 2 – Project Ideas

“Accountability Corner – Step 2 – Project Ideas” by Joan Y. Edwards

If you’re like me, there are a few things you’ve put off doing for varying reasons and excuses. Here in Accountability Corner, I want to help you focus on getting a few of these projects done.  It could be you’ve promised yourself that you’ll do something new, bake a cake, go to a local museum, take your kids to the park, watch your favorite movie. Let’s brainstorm a few project ideas. Below I’ve listed a few ideas. I listed sites with projects for varying amounts of time. There are millions more in your imagination. But there is one dwelling in your heart that you really want to work on. That is great. If you’re already sure which one that is, go for it. These are here if you want to brainstorm more…food for your thought.
15 Minute Projects

Declutter – Feng Shui (Keep, Toss, Donate/sell)
“10 Decluttering Projects You Can Do in 15 Minutes or Less:

“Organizing Projects You Can Tackle in 15 Minutes:”

“30 Most Unexpected Yet Super Simple Crafts You’ve Ever Seen:”

30 Minute Projects
“Easy Craft Ideas for Teens and Adults:”
“100 of the Easiest 30 Minute Meals We’ve Ever Made:”
1 Hour Projects

…Write or revise  a draft poem, page of a story, song or draw a draft of a picture. Decide to work on it a certain amount of time until it is finished. Revise it. Let someone critique it.
Market your work. 
…Mow the grass, trim the hedges, or weed the flower garden.
…Do a draft painting, woodworking,  or other craft.
…Cook “One Hour Recipes:
…Cook “30 Easy DIY Projects that Can Be Done in an Hour:”
…Read in a book.

2 Hour Projects
…Wash the car.
…Go to the movies.
3 Hour Projects
…Visit a local museum.
…4 Hour or More Projects
…Go to dinner and a play.
…Read a good book: New York Times 2023 Best Sellers: 
ow that you’ve read and studied all the ideas of projects you want to accomplish in 2023, choose the one(s) you wish to focus on first.
Make a note of it.
What is your project?
Needed tools and supplies to complete it.
Can you complete it in 5 days? If not, how many days will it take you to finish this project? Make a guess.

Now that you have your idea for a project, you can go to fill in your Accountability Project Plan and designate when you will start and when you plan to complete it.

Remember: Do it and the energy will come. Start and the energy (excitement, knowledge, skills, resources, and stick-to-it-ness) you need will come to help you finish.

Leave a message on the Accountability Corner blog post when you begin!

“Accountability Corner”

“Accountability Corner – Step 2 – Project Ideas (This post)
“Accountability Corner – Step 3 – Your Weekly Project Plan:”

 Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards, Author
Copyright © 2009-2023 Joan Y. Edwards

 Flip Flap Floodle Firebird Book Award Winner Will this little duck’s song save him from Mr. Fox?
Joan’s Elder Care Guide Practical ways to help you and your elder survive.

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