Category Archives: Health

Why Is Sleep Important for You?

(Going 24 hours a day is fun but, hey) “Why Is Sleep Important for You?” by Joan Y. Edwards

I had such a good time celebrating my birthday on Friday, January 11, 2013. I am 73 years old. Party, Party, Party. I celebrated for 3 days straight. At the end of those 3 days, I said, “Hold it. Hold it. I am tired. I need to rest.”

I remembered the advice my mother, Ethel D. Meyer, gave me that she learned from a friend:    “If you’re feeling really tired, rest 3 days and you’ll feel better. It’ll give your body time to rejuvenate and heal.”

On your days of rest, you don’t have to sleep all the time.  I didn’t. I just didn’t go anywhere. I stayed at home. I went to bed earlier at night one night. I slept later in the morning another day. I know that you may have times when you are tired, too. So I decided to write a post to help you put sleep and rest as a top priority in your life. It’ll help you stay healthier and live a longer life. It’s another way to celebrate.

Here are other quotes about sleep that I think you’ll enjoy:

I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I’m awake, you know?
…Ernest Hemingway, Brainy

Sleep is the best meditation.
…Dalai Lama, Brainy

If you can’t sleep, then get up and do something instead of lying there worrying. It’s the worry that gets you, not the lack of sleep.
…Dale Carnegie, Brainy

A well spent day brings happy sleep.
…Leonardo da Vinci, Brainy

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
…Benjamin Franklin,

Sometimes I stay up so late that I have my morning coffee before I go to bed.

It’s amazing to see the benefits of sleep. Here’s what I think:

What are the benefits of sleep?

  1. Body cells replenish, rebuild, and heal.
  2. If a sickness is trying to take over your body, sleep gives your antibodies a chance to build up their defenses.
  3. Sleep helps your mood.
  4. Sleep helps your nerves.
  5. Sleep gives your subconscious mind a chance to figure out solutions to problems that bug you.
  6. Sleep opens up your creativity.
  7. Sleep helps you live longer.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, sleep is essential to a person’s health. Before television, people used to sleep 8-11 hours a day. Since television, people sleep 6-7 hours. Six or seven hours of sleep isn’t enough. Dr. Diane Zuckerman says you need 8 or 9 hours of sleep. Many of us are wired 24 hours a day. David Randall says, “We’re wired and tired.” Allison Morris and a team on Online Psychology did a study about the effects gadgets have on sleep called, “Getting in Bed with Gadgets:”

Things that disturb sleep

  1. Too much light
  2. Strange noises
  3. Technology wires
  4. Anxiety and stress about what happened or what’s going to happen
  5. Uncomfortable mattress
  6. Uncomfortable pillow
  7. Not enough covers
  8. Too many covers
  9. Not enough room
  10. Hunger
  11. Thirst
  12. Have to go to the bathroom

Lights in the bedroom can keep you from sleeping. Lights from lamps, clocks, televisions, cell phones, iPads, computers. Lights imitate sunshine. Your body thinks it’s time to be awake. The darker your bedroom, the better it is. Put a flashlight or other light source close so you can turn it on when you walk to the bathroom. Many times you can see well-enough without lights to walk around the bedroom. An hour before you go to sleep, unwire yourself. Perhaps read a book or drink a glass of milk without the television or other electronic gadgets going. My grandsons, Luke and Wyatt picked out a turtle to help me go to sleep. It shines stars on the ceiling. It goes out in 45 minutes. If you’re afraid of the dark, perhaps you can buy something that will go off in a 15 minutes.

Problems from a lack of sleep

  1. Less patience
  2. Productivity goes down
  3. Gain weight
  4. Less alert, memory slow, hard to focus

A lack of sleep causes problems for all people, especially those driving vehicles or operating machinery.

I hope you get an abundance of sleep today. Relax and celebrate you wherever you are and whatever you are doing. You are important to this world. Thank you for being you.


  1. “Sleep Quotes:”
  2. David Randall. “How to Improve Your Sleep.”
  3. David Spero. “Sleep is the Best Medicine:”
  4. Elizabeth Quinn “After Exercise Rest – Why Rest Days Improve Sports Performance:”
  5. “101 Sleep Quotes:”
  6. “How to Reboot Your Sleep Cycle and Get the Rest You Deserve:”
  7. Dr. Diane Zuckerman. Video. “What can parents do if they don’t feel they have enough time for sleep?”
  8. Tatjana-Mihaela. “Sleep: The Best Remedy:”

Thank you for reading my blog. I hope it helps you sleep well.

Never Give Up
Live with Enthusiasm
Celebrate Each Step You Take

Joan Y. Edwards
Copyright © 2013-2016 Joan Y. Edwards