“Be the Reason Someone Smiles Today” by Joan Y. Edwards
My personal mantra is to encourage others on my path in life so they do not give up on themselves. One way to help people look at things differently is to be the reason they smile. I love to be the reason people smile. It makes me smile on the inside. It fills me with joy.
My PaPa Bruffey loved to make people smile. He took pictures of them and sent them prints in the mail with little drawings and words that would make your heart sing. He went to the Miss America contests and took pictures there. One year he was a judge for the Miss North Carolina contest. On a girl’s picture he would put, “So beautiful, she would make a bulldog break his chain.”
My grandmother on my father’s side of the family, Mother Meyer loved to laugh. She was even able to laugh at her own foibles and humanity. That was a wonderful trait. For instance, one time she got a new black coat. It was lovely and warm for winter. She picked up what she thought was a bottle of spray perfume. Instead it was red spray paint!
My Mother made me laugh. I don’t believe that was her intention, but she did it seamlessly. She said wise things that surprised me and therefore brought a smile to my face. One time I asked her, “Mother, do you believe when people die they go to heaven?” Her answer, “Some do and some don’t.”
My Uncle Sam Bruffy, PaPa Bruffey’s brother, made me laugh (notice they are brothers and spelled their last name differently). He could use ventriloquism and throw his voice so it sounded like some dogs were right outside the door. One year he dressed up as the United States Uncle Sam and walked on stilts, probably for a costume party. I was in second grade. I went back to school. I saw a poster of Uncle Sam saying, “I Want You.” I told the children in the class that the man in the poster was my Uncle Sam. The teacher had to settle the heated issue and explain to the children that I actually had an Uncle Sam who dressed up like that but that it wasn’t him in the poster.
Leo Widrich tells us to stand in front of a mirror and smile. He says even a practiced smile can help you feel happy and more relaxed immediately.
Here are ten things that may make someone smile:
- Smile at them. Smiling is contagious, like laughter.
- Give them a real compliment that comes from your heart. Explain how not everyone does what they do.
- Thank them for something they’ve done for you. Simple things like opening a door, carrying a package, giving them your seat.
- Share a humorous experience you’ve had.
- Help them do something they can’t do for themselves.
- Call them on the phone and see how they are doing. Hearing a friendly voice on the phone will brighten their day. You can ask, “Is this a good time to talk?”
- Send them a card or letter through snail mail.
- Pay for their meal.
- Give them a gift.
- Listen to them.
There are many more ways to help people smile. If they don’t smile, it’s okay. Keep smiling anyway. Being kind sends many smiles your way. Sometimes a smile leads to laughter which is totally fun!
Smiles, giggles, and laughter fill your body with feeling good endorphins (healing energy). You and I definitely need more of that today with all the negative things surrounding us!
Quotes with a smile!
- Smile, you’re on Candid Camera.
- When You’re Smiling (The Whole World Smiles With You) – Louis Armstrong
- Let A Smile Be Your Umbrella -Perry Como
- Christine Schuster. 40 Things That Will Make You Smile (theodysseyonline.com)
- Lori Deschene. 51 Things That Will Make You Smile (tinybuddha.com)
- Leo Widrich. The Science of Smiling & Why It’s So Powerful | Buffer Blog
- Wiki Staff. 6 Ways to Make Someone Smile – wikiHow
Please leave a comment and tell me what makes you smile, fills you with joy, or what you believe might make someone smile!
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards, Author
Copyright © 2009-2020 Joan Y. Edwards
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You make me smile with your encouragement and your “blue ribbon” passages of snippets of my writing I send you to read. I hope they put a smile on your face, too.
Deer Melanie,
Thank you for writing. I am so glad that I am the reason you smile from my encouragement and my “blue ribbon” passages of snippets of your writing that you share with me. It is my pleasure. It makes me smile when I see others encouraged and smile. I treasure our friendship. You’re there to cheer and encourage me during my down times. Your friendship is priceless.
Smiles, love, and hugs,
Never Give Up
Anytime I see an email from you or a post on social media, I smile. Thank you for being so inspirational and compassionate friend. Sending a hug and a smile 😊 love you ❤
Dear Kathleen,
Thank you for writing and telling me that you smile when you hear from me or see a post on social media. That makes me smile. See it’s contagious!
I smile when I hear from you and when I see posts on Social Media. I treasure your friendship! Thank you for being my friend.
Smiles, love, and hugs,
Never Give Up
You are good at making people smile and encourage them. Now I know why–it’s in your genes!
Dear Carol,
Thank you for writing. Thanks for saying that I am good at making people smile and encouraging them. You are right, a lot of that I was fortunate enough to inherit. How to do it was God’s inspiration and people who encourage me along my path when I am down. I don’t want others to be at a place like I was many years ago when I didn’t believe in me and wanted to give up on my life. When I help others, I also help myself. It makes me smile when I see others smile because of an encouraging word. You also do a lot of encouraging others by sharing the Word of God with people from all over the United States. Our missions in life are similar! I treasure our friendship.
Smiles, love, and hugs,
Never Give Up
A day without laughter is a day lost. Being able to smile at yourself as well as with and at others, can and does make your day.
Sometimes hard to do when the sadness demons circle, but thinking positive thoughts with a smile can help.
The act of giving is better than receiving , especially when you see the smile of appreciation. Not always money or property sometimes a hello and a nod can make someones day.
Go on laugh and have a great day.
Dear David,
Thanks for writing. Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom about the importance of laughter and that giving is better than receiving!
I am smiling! Thanks for that.
Never Give Up
Your positive attitude is so inspirational! I loved reading your family stories of relatives who, like you, make others smile and laugh. I try to do my part in bringing smiles and laughter to those I meet, so I appreciate how you do as well. As you said, it’s especially needed these days. 😀
Dear Shawn,
Thanks for writing. Thank you for saying that my positive attitude inspires you. I know for a fact that your positive attitude has helped you learn to be a good stepmom and other stories in your life that I’m unaware of. You reach out to others. That’s a wonderful trait. I’m so glad that I know you.
Never Give Up
smiling is good and healthy, love you Joan
Dear Billy,
Thank you for writing. You’re right. Smiling is good and very healthy. Thank you for loving me. I love you, Billy. You are kind and compassionate to me. You are a good friend.
Never Give Up
I enjoyed the family stories you shared. Thanks for encouraging us on a regular basis. May we always be there when you need encouragement! Keep smiling! Love you!
Dear Linda,
Thanks for writing. I’m glad you enjoyed the family stories I shared. You’re welcome for my encouraging you. It is my pleasure to encourage you!
I’m glad my words encourage you.
Never Give Up