All posts by Joan Y Edwards

Joan Y. Edwards is author/illustrator of folktale Flip Flap Floodle, a happy little duck who never gives up on his song even in the Mr. Fox's belly. She is author of 4RV Publishing's Joan's Elder Care Guide. It is full of practical hints and resources to promote healing and make caregiving easier. She has published 80 Gospel-Based Crossword Puzzles for Year A, B, and C. She has a Master of Education. She is a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) and Charlotte Writers Club. She enjoys watching humorous mysteries, like Columbo and Monk. Time at home, beach and mountain with family and friends energizes her..

Friends Are Cushions and Gifts from God

pillow cushions image by Malgorzata-Smozewska and Pixabay
Thank you for this image of pillow cushions Malgorzata-Smozewska and Pixabay.

“Friends Are Cushions and Gifts from God” by Joan Y. Edwards

Your circle of friends are gifts from God. They help soften and cushion your actions and reactions to your life’s journey in good times and times that are sad.

Sometimes when I talk to friends, they listen and help me cope with a situation that is bothering me.

silhoettes of men and women in part of a circle
Thank you, Joseph Redfield Nino and Pixabay for allowing me to use this image.

When I get worried about someone or something in life, I place my hand on a soft cushion and remember that God is taking care of the person or the thing that has upset me. I can let it go and rest.

Please leave a comment. Let me know how you handle the things you worry about.

Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards, Author

Flip Flap Floodle
Firebird Book Award Winner Will this little duck’s song save him from Mr. Fox?
Joan’s Elder Care Guide
Practical ways to help you and your elder survive.

Copyright © 2009-2022 Joan Y. Edwards

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