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Dear Readers,
Please ask me questions.
The question can be about writing, publishing, elder care, getting out of a dark mood.
I’ll put a post with your first name asks and your question, along with my answer. People can leave a comment with their answers, too.
I’ll choose questions that I believe others would like to know. You can also tell me that you’d prefer not to have it posted on my blog. Then I’ll reply to you personally to the email you provide.
I may not know the answer, but I’ll research and give you the best resources I can and my best opinion.
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Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards, Author
Copyright © 2013-2019 Joan Y. Edwards
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Flip Flap Floodle Will this little duck’s song save him from Mr. Fox?
Joan’s Elder Care Guide A guide to help caregivers and elders find solutions.
80 Gospel-Based Crossword Puzzles for Year B Fun for Children’s Liturgy, Children’s Church, Sunday School, and Home Bible Study.
YOU never give up! A really valuable blog.
Dear Carolyn,
Thank you very much. Thank you for saying my blog is valuable! You honor me by being here.
Never Give Up
Joan, my question is, what question I should ask you? I really don’t know!
But I’ll forgive you if you cannot find an answer to the question I haven’t asked.
Dear Bob,
Thanks for writing. What question should you ask me? Perhaps you don’t have a question. It’s okay. You are funny!
Never Give Up
Hi Joan. God bless you on this sunny Sunday morning.This is the leader page In my most recent story ‘South Harbour’ Ross Gilmores wife has been murdered. The church and courtyard are packed as he awaits the arrival of her coffin. His mind is filled with bitterness and he is inconsolable.
Grief and anger.
I close my eyes and through the gloom I see you waiting, knowing I would come to that place we knew when once our hearts were young. Embracing the shadows of that solemn niche our kisses flow as our hearts release their pain. Darkness is our friend, there is no talk of death, you did not die you are safe within my arms. So beware light of dawn, should you spoil this scene or your sunshine destroy such a wonderful dream, if darkness alone mends broken hearts my eyes will stay closed evermore. David Colane
“Everyone can master a grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Dear David,
Thanks for writing. Keep writing.
Never Give Up
Great idea to do this service for those who follow your blog.
I know you are very techno-savvy. I hope you will consider answering questions on this topic. Here’s mine: What is an easy way to access music on an iPhone? I know how to go to a search engine and find a tune . I would like to help my mom, who is on palliative care, have access in an easier way–perhaps set her up an app, play list (I do not know how to do this) or something. Suggestions?
Dear Linda,
Thanks for your question. I’ll find the answer and post it, plus I’ll email you personally!
Never Give Up
Thank you very much, Joan.
Dear Linda,
You’re very welcome.
Never Give Up
You are awesome! I will try these things for myself and decide what to set up for my mom! It will be a win-win! Thank you for spending the time to research this for me! “Ask Joan” is a very helpful!
Dear Linda,
You are welcome. I am glad you plan to try both ways and decide which one would work for your sweet Mother. I tried them both, too. Have fun!
Music is healing.
Never Give Up