“Patron Saints of Artists: St. Catherine of Bologna and St. Luke” by Joan Y. Edwards
Sometimes you need to call in for reinforcements to believe more in yourself and your abilities to do what you believe God wants you to do in life. Talking with God and asking him for help is a great plan. Also, looking for others in the present time or from the past to discover how they coped with life may help inspire you to keep on going. here’s a prayer I found that I thought you would enjoy.
who by their gifts make the world
a more joyful and beautiful realm.
Through their labors
they teach us to see more clearly
the truth around us.
In their inspiration
they call forth wonder and awe
in our own living.
In their hope and vision
they remind us
that life is holy.
Bless all who create in your image,
O God of creation.
Pour your Spirit upon them
that their hearts may sing
and their works be fulfilling.
Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/prayers/protestant/work/prayer-for-artists.aspx#8B4KP55W1ttv6OYB.99
In case you are like me and in need of a little encouragement in your artistic skills, I discovered the patron saints of artists for you to study and gain inspiration from their lives and experience.
St. Catherine of Bologna – Feast Day March 9th
Abbess & Painter (1413-1463)
Catherine was born in Bologna, Italy. She dabbled in writing, poetry, dancing, and Latin studies, but her forte was painting. She is a patron saint of painters and those who suffer from doubt. In 1432 together with other young women of Ferrara, she founded a monastery of the Order of Poor Clares founded by St. Francis of Assisi and St. Clare of Assisi.

St. Luke, the Evangelist – Feast Day October 18th
The Roman Catholic Church and other major denominations venerate him as Saint Luke the Evangelist and as a patron saint of artists, physicians, surgeons, students and butchers. He wrote one of the four Gospels. Saint Luke painted a picture of Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
Catholic Culture.org says that the flying ox is a symbol of St. Luke the Evangelist, anticipated by Ezekiel. The ox, recognized as the animal of sacrifice, applies to St. Luke because his Gospel emphasizes the atonement made by Christ’s sacrifice of himself on the Cross.
References for St. Catherine of Bologna:
- “St. Catherine of Bologna – Patron of Artists:” https://www.youtube.com/F3-wQVpWCr4
- Wikipedia. “Catherine of Bologna:” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_of_Bologna
References for St. Luke, the Evangelist, Writer of one of the Gospels.
- Catholic Saints Info. “St. Luke:” http://www.catholic-saints.info/patron-saints/saint-luke.htm
- Walter Hayward Pitman. “Saint Luke, the Patron Saint of the Worshipful Company of Painters, otherwise Painter Stainers:” https://catholicsaints.info/saint-luke-the-patron-saint-of-the-worshipful-company-of-painters-otherwise-painter-stainers-by-walter-hayward-pitman/
- Wikipedia. “Guild of Saint Luke:” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guild_of_Saint_Luke
- Catholic Culture.org. “Winged Ox:” https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/dictionary/index.cfm?id=37196
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Joan Y. Edwards, Author
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