How to Get Your To Do List Done

“How to Get Your To Do List Done” by Joan Y. Edwards

Sometimes my To Do List seems overwhelming. How about yours? Is your list longer than an encyclopedia?  Perhaps this idea might help.

Write down only the first five things you want to accomplish today. Make certain they can really be done in a day.

Prioritize your list. Are there any that you would feel really horrible, if you didn’t get it done today? What? You say all of them! Oh my goodness!

Now put them in order from shortest amount of time to do it to the longest time to do it.

1. Start working on the one that takes the shortest amount of time.

2. When you finish doing it, start on the second one. When you have finished two jobs, recheck your priority list.

Are there any you think can wait until tomorrow? You say, “No way.”

3. Okay. Continue working on your list. Do the third thing on your list.

When you finish it, reward yourself with a 15 minute breather. Cold glass of lemonade. Peanut butter sandwich or crackers.

Time to get back to your list.

4. Now tackle #4. If you hit a snag, and realize you have to go somewhere to get something to finish it, stop and go to number 5.

5. When you finish #5, then go to the store and get what you need to complete #4.

6. Now finish #4.

7. When you have all 5 items completed for your To Do List for today, look in the mirror and shout “Hip Hip Hooray for me!

8. Celebrate.

Thanks for reading my blog. Tell me how you get things done on your To Do List. Here are links to  two articles that might have ideas to help you, too.

Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Copyright © 2012 Joan Y. Edwards

Writing, Inspiration