“Happy Thanksgiving!” by Joan Y. Edwards
Thank you for reading my blog and for commenting on my blog posts. It is a wonderful experience to share information with you. It makes me feel good to know that you and I enjoy learning about the same topics. My aim is to encourage and inspire you to continue on your journey in life.
I pray that God bless you with an abundance of everything you need, wisdom to make good choices, and courage to honor and respect yourself, your family, your country, and the whole world. May you reach your goals and feel great satisfaction for what you accomplish every day of your life.
Focus on solutions. Save our environment. Love being who we are. Put trust and integrity into our world. A good day that begins with one word of encouragement for one person can multiply if you pass it on to another person you meet that day. One word can be small for you but big in the heart of the receiver.
For instance, holding the door open for someone carrying boxes or pushing a wheelchair is a small thing for you, but a great relief and help for the person for whom you held the door.
When math is easy for you, helping someone with math is a little thing. When math is difficult for someone, when they receive help it is a big thing.
I love our world and am glad to be here with you. Thank you for sharing your world with me.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Believe in You
God blessed our world with you.
God blessed me when we met online or in person.
Thank you.
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Joan Y. Edwards, Author
Copyright © 2017-2018 Joan Y. Edwards
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