22 Goals for This Month That Will Lead You to Publication

“22 Goals for This Month That Will Lead You to Publication” by Joan Y. Edwards

Did you meet your goals for last month? What are your plans for this month?

A surefire way to get where you want to go, is to plan a way to get there. Even with a GPS (Global Positioning System), you have to tell it where you’re going before it can give you directions on how to get there. In your mind as a writer, you must have a goal. If your goal is to get a book published by a traditional publisher, here are 22 possible sub-goals to get you to publication. Choose the ones you’d like to set for a goal. On the first of next month, check to see how well you did. Make yourself accountable. It’s okay if you don’t reach your goals. However, keep them in mind and write them down. This will stop you from resisting and knock down the walls that stop you. Set a goal you know you can meet. Chances are you will surprise yourself and do more than you ever thought was possible.

  1. Read 3 best-selling books in your genre. Studying the pros gives you clues on improvement.
  2. Read 3 blog posts that teach skills or techniques. Take notes.
  3. Read 3 books about the craft of writing. Take notes.
  4. Take a class or teach a class online or in person. Take notes.
  5. Attend a workshop or conference, either online or in person. There are many free worthwhile online conferences.
  6. Watch a webinar. There are free ones to watch. Usually, if you want a copy, you can buy it.
  7. Create a new character. Make him memorable and enticing.
  8. Write a pitch for your new story. Make sure you have an emotional tug on the heart of the reader.
  9. Write your synopsis or summary of how you think the story will go. Have dilemmas with no good choices of what to do. Three dismal disasters on the road to what the character wants. Then he changes and either meets the goal or fails miserably in the end.
  10. Using your pitch as a guide, write the new story. November 1-30 is National Novel Writing Month: http://www.nanowrimo.org/ Write 50,000 words in a month. That’s about 1,666 words a day. If that sounds overwhelming, to 750 words a day: www.750words.com. There is also Picture Book Idea Month: http://taralazar.com/ You write 30 different picture book ideas during November.
  11. Revise a story. Each time you make a full revision of the story, name it Version 1, Version 2, etc. This way you can tell how many times you’ve revised it.
  12. Get your work critiqued by a critique group, a professional editor, or by a Beta Reader, a fancy name for someone who volunteers to read and critique your whole book before it’s published.
  13. Enter a contest. There are many that are free, without reading fees or entry fees.
  14. Study the market.
  15. Write your query letter or cover letter.
  16. Revise your story synopsis or summary.
  17. Write a short biography that is suitable for the back of your book or on Amazon.
  18. Study the guidelines for the editor or agent.
  19. Submit to an editor or agent.
  20. Spend at least 5 days in the month enjoying new experiences or favorite experiences: in other words focus on and CELEBRATE LIVING.
  21. Give thanks every day for what you have and for what you’ve written. Being thankful for what you have, gives you more of what you want.
  22. Help someone do something they can’t do for themselves. What goes around, comes around.
  23. You have the 4 Essential Steps for Submission of Manuscripts or Screenplays: Go for it.  See this blog post for Step 1-4 details that are outlined below:Step 1 Get your work critiqued, edited, and proofed.
    Step 2 Choose the publisher, editor, agent, or contest for this writing project.
    Step 3 Write the pitch, query letter, cover letter, resume, bio, and/or proposal as required by the guidelines of the editor, agent, or contest you chose for submission this time.
    Step 4 Time to Submit to publisher, agent, editor, or contest.

It is fun to have you here with me. I hope you had fun, too.

Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Copyright © 2012-2024 Joan Y. Edwards

Writing, Inspiration