Category Archives: Spiritual

You Will Achieve What You Desire

“You Will Achieve What You Desire” by Joan Y. Edwards

In your mind is a gold mine. It believes everything you say. It wants you to be right. It goes out of its way to make what you think come true. It searches the world for experiences to put you in the exact place and time to make what you believe in your mind and say with your tongue.

You will achieve what you desire when you put the right words and beliefs in your mind and put actions to your beliefs.

You can’t be a good writer if you don’t write.
You can’t be a good teacher if you don’t teach.
You can’t be a good artist if you don’t use your artistic skills.

Be the best you can be.

Believe in you.

Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Copyright 2012, 2017, 2021 © Joan Y. Edwards