Category Archives: Health

Fire Extinguisher Safety

“Fire Extinguisher Safety” by Joan Y. Edwards

Here are the steps for using a fire extinguisher.


P    Pull the pin
A    Aim at the base of the fire
S    Squeeze the handle
S   Sweep left to ride

Is Your Fire Extinguisher Ten Years’ Old?

New Warning about Fire Extinguishers:”

This video says: If 10 years old, get a new one.

Call 911 right away. P.A.S.S.

Look for the UL listing on the Fire Extinguisher.

“Disposal Process for Used, Expired Fire Extinguishers:”

I hope you don’t ever have to use one. But if you do, this might help you.

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Joan Y. Edwards, Author
Copyright © 2009-2022 Joan Y. Edwards

 1. Flip Flap Floodle Firebird Book Award Winner Will this little duck’s song save him from Mr. Fox?
2. Joan’s Elder Care Guide Practical ways to help you and your elder survive.