“Believe You Can and You’re Halfway There (Theodore Roosevelt) by Joan Y. Edwards
One year for Christmas, my daughter, Mollie, gave me a colorful canvas with the words, “Believe You Can and You’re Halfway There.” That is so true. Theodore Roosevelt said these words.
I have witnessed many people, including myself to go gung ho for a project. When another person doubts that you can do it, the doubt rubs off on you and you don’t believe in yourself any more. Inside your emotional self is hurt and now it’s saying, “I can’t do it. I can’t do it. I can’t do it.”
That hurts. The word can’t is a very powerful doorstop, bump in the road, roadblock, detour instigator. If you find yourself using this excuse, stop and rethink the situation. Change your words to I can do it. I am doing it. Hip Hip Hooray for me.
You may not know at the present time how you are going to do it. However, believe you can do it, say you can do it. Take Action. That makes it all happen!
If you’re in doubt of your capability of getting something figured out, remember believe in you, search for the answers. They will appear. Then take action. Your belief will spur you to take the right actions.
Feel free to leave me a comment and I’ll help you rethink the situation and encourage you. I will tell you that you can do it. Sometimes that’s enough to put you back on track saying you can do it. What makes a big difference is you saying out loud, “I can do it. I can do it. I can do it.”
Write I can…add the words of what your objective is. Then write I find a way.
I can bake a pound cake.
I find the time and a way to do it.
I bake a pound cake (by…choose a date, if you like).
After you write it down on a piece of paper, put it in your wallet. Take it out and read it in the morning and at night. Say aloud, “I can do this.”
You can do it. You can do it. You can do it.
One of your fellow readers, Sharon Benfield, left a comment that I thought was very helpful to me and thought you would like it, too.
“CAN”T is like a fence. We use it as protection from failure however it blocks us from progress and production.”
Thanks for being here.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards, Author
My blog is 11 years old! Thank you for reading it.
Copyright © 2009-2020 Joan Y. Edwards
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Tommy the Tank Engine!
The wise, billions-of-years-old aliens in my Doom Healer series have explained, belief shapes reality. The only reason I cannot float up to the ceiling is that I know that I can’t. If I knew that I could, then I would, right?
Dear Bob,
Thank you for writing. You are correct. Belief shapes reality. That’s how wonderful people invented things no one else believed they could, like airplanes, computers, rockets, spaceships, etc, etc, etc. Believing you can rise up to the ceiling consistently and you’d find a way to build a gadget to get there!
Enjoy your day,
Never Give Up
Very good! Love the application. CAN”T is like a fence. We use it as protection from failure however it blocks us from progess and production. Thanks for the reminder and the practical application.
Dear Sharon,
Thank you for writing. Your words are very wise and true: CAN”T is like a fence. We use it as protection from failure however it blocks us from progress and production. Thanks for being my friend all these many years since 1987!God is good to me.
Stay safe and well.
Never Give Up
Great post, as usual, Joan!
Dear Melanie,
Thank you for writing. Your kind comments empower me to write more blog posts! Thanks for being on my path and helping me along.
Be safe and well,
Never Give Up
I needed some motivation this morning. Thank you!
Dear Linda,
Thank you for writing. I am glad that my words helped you believe more in yourself and try again to do the task you’ve set for yourself or life has put before you! Thanks for being my friend since 2005. You help keep me going!
Believe in you
Never Give Up
Thank you my friend. I can do it!
Dear Pat,
Thank you for writing. You are right. You can do it. You can do it. You can do it.
Thanks for encouraging me and enjoying Flip Flap Floodle and other things I write. You are a good friend.
Believe in you
Never Give Up
I need to read those words now, need to start writing soon, thank you Joan
Dear Billy,
Thank you for writing. I hope these words help you achieve your goal to do more writing! You can do it. I believe in you!
Never Give Up
Stay safe and well
I was just telling a friend who is down right now to re-frame her thoughts and write affirmations on post it notes and stick to her bathroom mirror. So your post speaks to me! I love it! 🙂
Dear Shawn,
Thank you for writing. You gave your friend good advice! Writing affirmations is a great way to instill faith in yourself. I am glad that my post spoke to you! I hope it helps you believe in yourself a little more and help you inspire others to believe in themselves more, too.
Stay well and safe
Never Give Up
Our beliefs do shape our thoughts and actions. My belief is that the One true God empowers His children to do His work! xoxoxo
Dear Carol,
Thank you for writing. You are right. Our beliefs do shape our thoughts and actions. I agree with you that our one true God empowers his children to do his work! I know he’s smiling because he made you and you are taking care of his sheep!
Be safe and well,
Never Give Up