Tara Lazar Copyright
Storystorm – Picture Book Idea Month – Used to be PiBoIdMo until 2017. Now it is Storystorm.
30 days of idea brainstorming for picture books. https://taralazar.com/storystorm/
Sign up the last week of December 2019 or the first week in January 2020.
“You will be able to sign up, grab a badge for your blog and social networks, and get ready for some awesome prizes! There will be critiques from published authors, feedback from literary agents, original illustrations by picture book artists, signed books, jewelry, journals, and who knows what else!”
See the ins and outs of Storystorm: https://taralazar.com/storystorm/
Read about last year’s Storystorm: https://taralazar.com/category/storystorm-2019/
Tara Lazar is one of those talented writers who help inspire other picture book writers to go a little out of their comfort zone to create great ideas for new stories that may lead to successful publication.
Here are her answers to my questions about PiBoIdMo – Picture Book Idea Month, held in November of each year. The concept is to create 30 picture book ideas in 30 days.
Would you please explain a little about the history of PiBoIdMo?
PiBoIdMo was born out of jealousy! I noticed all my novel-writing friends having a great time with NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and felt left out of the loop. So I created Picture Book Idea Month in November as an event specifically for picture book writers.
What date did PiBoIdMo begin?
The first year, 2008, I did it on my own. In 2009, I decided to share it with others and hosted it on my blog.
Tara Lazar changed the name and the time to Storystorm and had it during January beginning in 2017?
What inspired you to get this idea rolling?
NaNoWriMo prompted it. I didn’t think writing a picture book a day was something I could do, but a new book concept a day was something achievable.
What have you learned from doing this?
That creativity can be encouraged–you can get the lightning bolt to strike more often if you are out in the open, actively seeking it.
What has been your proudest moment while doing this?
When Karma Wilson, author of BEAR SNORES, said she used my website to help her find ideas.
Why did you decide to get others to join you?
Because writers often work in solitary conditions. Storystorm brings picture book writers together for support and encouragement.
Tara Lazar’s first picture book, THE MONSTORE, will be released by Aladdin/Simon & Schuster in 2013, illustrated by James Burks. For a sneak peak at the illustrations, go to http://www.taralazar.wordpress.com. Tara is represented by Ammi-Joan Paquette of the Erin Murphy Literary Agency.
Congratulations on your first book, Tara. Thanks for sharing and encouraging others.
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Joan Y. Edwards
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